Newbie Tips
Added by rukotaa almost 4 years ago
Has anyone got any pro tips for beginners on using the Ryzom core that they can share?
example: what directories contain what, which is important, how the client uses data, how the server uses data. what languages to learn/use, where to add scripting, is there a scripting language
Replies (4)
RE: Newbie Tips
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
Everything we know is in the wikis:
You can join us too on irc:
#[email protected]
RE: Newbie Tips
Added by sfb almost 4 years ago
I think Molator hits it pretty accurately. But how about some important concepts:
Leveldesign comes in three forms: sheets, primitives and land files.
- Sheets (contained in l:\leveldesign) are XML definitions of game data such as creatures, items, skills, loot tables, and so on. These largely represent static data. You edit these files with Georges Editor.
- Primitives (contained in l:\primitives) are XML definitions of world data such as NPC locations, definitions of regions, AI scripting and more. Primitives are how you create instances of NPCs (based on the sheet that defines the NPC) or place spawn/rest/feed points for mobs (based on the creature sheet(s) that define them.) These files are edited through World Editor.
- Land files are binary layouts of the landscape. Ryzom landscape is laid out through rapid 'painting' of 160x160 zones. Instead of taking a large piece of mesh and deforming it Ryzom changes the game by having the artists create a handful of 'common' zones and then allowing level designers to rapidly lay out large continents by painting pre-made zones in 2D.
AI scripting is done through World Editor, you can see some simple examples. Ryzom AI scripting is a custom language that is unique to Ryzom. You can find documentation for it and its objects/methods in code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files (or l:\leveldesign\world_editor_files). AI scripting is roughly event driven with scripts to respond to those events.
Missions are another custom language but since missions are largely step-objective-action these are edited in World Editor but through a unique system. For example if you load the urban_newbieland.primitive file into World Editor you'll see the missions_editor object at the root level with a mission_tree under it and steps under that. This is how you lay out a mission in simple fashion. Then you use a tool called Mission Compiler to convert this simplistic step-objective-action tree into a mission script. If you find the NPC definition for chiang you'll see the base mission attached to him with the mission script looking like its own language. Mission Compiler creates this for you.
That's a pretty good start of basic concepts.
RE: Newbie Tips
Added by rukotaa almost 4 years ago
Thank you for the detail help :)
I have another question, I'm unsure whether I have everything set up right or not.
Part 1 - Folder setup
1st thing I did was clone the source to C:\Ryzom then I added the externals into the ryzom folder so that inside it would look like this:
Inside C:\Ryzom\
Folder: F.hg
Folder: code\
Folder: external\
Folder: external_stlport\
2. Then I extracted client_win_x86_stlport- into the C drive which is now C:\ryzom_core_client\
3. I also extracted server_win_x86_stlport- into the C drive which is now C:\ryzom_core_server
4. I then extracted the rymzom assets into the c drive which is now: C:\ryzom_assets\
5. My c drive looks like this now:
Other(windows, users, etc)
Ok so that's all my folders setup, I didn't do any of the virtual drive stuff in cmd promt.
Part 2 - World Editor
So I want to open the world editor, I go to C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\tools\leveldesign\install\world_editor_r
But there are missing files, so I download ryzom_leveldesign_install.7z and extract it all into the C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\tools\leveldesign\install\ folder
There are still some missing files so I go back and go into: C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\common\data_leveldesign\leveldesign\world_editor_files and copy everything in there into the C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\tools\leveldesign\install\ folder
Now the world editor works but there are maybe some more things that don't work.
Is this correctly setup? If I use the world editor here, and edit the server files in the language folder (like what it says on adding quests/npcs) it will correctly update?
Where should I copy the Nel tools folder and the Ryzom Tools folder(currently they are in my C drive)? There are a load of app files inside these folders.
RE: Newbie Tips
Added by rukotaa almost 4 years ago
Are my folders setup correctly? How are everyone elses?