highlight target...
Added by siredblood almost 4 years ago
Im still learning my way around, i have a million questions :D
Right now im looking for the part which indicates the contextactor (target) to lightup when mouse overed... i want to do a few edits.
is this a C++, xml? .... not sure where to find it, so many pages :P
A point in the right direction would be great!
Thanks guys!
Replies (5)
RE: highlight target...
Added by nimetu almost 4 years ago
siredblood wrote:
Im still learning my way around, i have a million questions :D
Right now im looking for the part which indicates the contextactor (target) to lightup when mouse overed... i want to do a few edits.
is this a C++, xml? .... not sure where to find it, so many pages :P
cursor_functions.cpp, checkUnderCursor() is probably what you looking for
RE: highlight target...
Added by sfb almost 4 years ago
What exactly do you want to change?
RE: highlight target...
Added by siredblood almost 4 years ago
cool thanks! Ill look in a few seconds!! .... ive found some other stuff in the interaction.xml
there are 3 things i want to change:
1) no floating numbers
2) no target highlight (you know where your pointing, you dont need the target to light up)
3) Target/player health bars... combat should be an unknown... if you know your targets life, there is no unknown, you already know if you can kill them or not.... i like it more on the unknown... should i attack??? or not??.... you know ;)
RE: highlight target...
Added by siredblood almost 4 years ago
thanks nimetu! found the hightlight section :D
RE: highlight target...
Added by siredblood almost 4 years ago
ok, so maybe i did something wrong.... whats the proper way to recompile the C++ code?
I double clicked the ryzom .sln in the build (like in the beginning described in the wiki) ... it compiled for a few seconds and said finished.
there was no difference in the client.
Im wondering if i compiled right, since the first time, it took like an hour, and this time only 30 sec.
I dont want to mess with it until im sure what the proper recompile process is.