How can i do it ??
Added by baiyunqiu almost 4 years ago
That i want to add sme vegetable to snowball !! The vegetable from Ryzom !! How can i do it ??
And at last the effect like Ryzom!!
Is anyone here can give me some help?
Replies (5)
RE: How can i do it ??
Added by lynnara almost 4 years ago
I am not any sort of expert on such things, but I can tell you what little I know.
If you are asking about the microvegetation (grass, small flowers, etc), I believe these things need to be built into the Ligo blocks the landscape is made of. When I built a new landscape using the jungle ecosystem, the microvegetation worked without any effort. I have not yet tried to change the existing microvegetation, but I am thinking that if there is no existing microvegetation on the snowballs landscape, there will not be any easy way to add it. You will probably have to edit the 3d models of the ligo blocks.
RE: How can i do it ??
Added by baiyunqiu almost 4 years ago
Thank you for your help,this is very useful for me!
But i do not know anything about edit the 3d models of the ligo blocks !
And so bold as to ask can you tell me the way you built a new landscape using jungle ecosystem? or let me see your code ?
I want to find some idea about add the microvegetation!!
RE: How can i do it ??
Added by lynnara almost 4 years ago
I have not really gotten into the technical details of how Ligo blocks are constructed, I only used them to create a new landscape. For the most part, I just followed the instructions on the wiki, starting with and following the chain of wiki pages. The instructions are not perfect, and there are a few things you'll need to tweak on your own to make it build properly.
For building you're own blocks, and messing with vegetation, you can also check out
Some of this stuff is ancient, I have not tried to do any of those things, yet.
Anyway, good luck!
RE: How can i do it ??
Added by dnk-88 almost 4 years ago
Also you have to add the code in order to add vegetation in a game.
RE: How can i do it ??
Added by baiyunqiu over 3 years ago
Thank you for your help(lynnara and dnk-88)!!
I know if I want to add vegetation I must add code to snowballs.
I have seen the code related with the vegetation(the code in Nel engine and ryzom),
and I have a general idea,I just don't know how to start and where to start.