[SOLVED]Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
Hi everybody,
i just follow 6 times the guide CreatingNewLand.
I created my continent with the world editor and set all the value of x and y in the ryzom world.
My contient use maxy=0, miny=-2560 and maxx=2560, minx=0.
I set a teleport zone in the zone 14_AN that i name atlantis_teleport_zone with coord x=2154.770 and y=2167.671
I create a teleport item with family=teleport and SPawnZone=atlantis_teleport_zone.
Teleport was ok but, my character disapear and in the log i can see
2011/11/20 14:07:31 INF 13d4 ryzom_client_r.exe net_manager.cpp 1505 impulseTPCommon2 : impulseTP: to 2154770 -2167671 0 0.000000
2011/11/20 14:07:32 INF 13d4 ryzom_client_r.exe continent_manager.cpp 398 CContinentManager::select : Looking into atlantis.continent
2011/11/20 14:07:32 INF 13d4 ryzom_client_r.exe continent_manager.cpp 398 CContinentManager::select : Looking into indoors.continent
2011/11/20 14:07:32 INF 13d4 ryzom_client_r.exe continent_manager.cpp 398 CContinentManager::select : Looking into lesfalaises.continent
2011/11/20 14:07:32 INF 13d4 ryzom_client_r.exe continent_manager.cpp 398 CContinentManager::select : Looking into newbieland.continent
2011/11/20 14:07:32 WRN 13d4 ryzom_client_r.exe continent_manager.cpp 422 CContinentManager::select : cannot select any continent at pos (2154.770020, -2167.670898)
When i restart the game, the game crash and i was respawn in the newbielant respawn point.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Replies (12)
RE: Error create new continent
Added by kaetemi over 3 years ago
You need to add your continent to continent.h and .cpp enum in the game share & rebuild client and server.
RE: Error create new continent
Added by kaetemi over 3 years ago
That tutorial contains a whole bunch of errors, btw.
RE: Error create new continent
Added by kaetemi over 3 years ago
That .diff in the tutorial seems to remove all references in the enum to old continents.
You cannot do that just like that. You must modify ryzom.world to contain the exact same continents in order as the enum.
RE: Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
i correct all the thinks. But nothing change, i can't see my character and the client log say already the same think with that
2011/11/21 21:01:13 WRN 1f88 ryzom_client_r.exe global_retriever.cpp 1224 NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::findCollisionChains : local retriever 178 in newbieland not loaded, findCollisionChains in this retriever aborted
2011/11/21 21:01:14 DBG 1f88 ryzom_client_r.exe network_connection.cpp 1931 CNetworkConnection::decodeDiscreetProperty : 400564: S0: Received mode with null pos
2011/11/21 21:01:17 WRN 17cc ryzom_client_r.exe file.cpp 265 NLMISC::CIFile::open : Failed to open file '17_AN.zonel', error 2 : No such file or directory
2011/11/21 21:01:27 DBG 1f88 ryzom_client_r.exe character_cl.cpp 2239 CCharacterCL::endAnimTransition : <CCharacterCL::endAnimTransition> rotation : set dir as end anim dir
2011/11/21 21:01:38 WRN 1f88 ryzom_client_r.exe group_map.cpp 2054 CGroupMap::loadMap : Can't find map newbieland_Map.tga
i send my log file to see.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
log.log (1.1 MB)
RE: Error create new continent
Added by kaetemi over 3 years ago
Are both your client and server synchronized with leveldesign sheets etc?
RE: Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
yes i think, i use the client_dev build with the pipeline.
I do:
This is my entities_game_service log.
WRN 1730 entity_callbacks.cpp 435 cbClientReady: user (0x0000000010:00:00:87) is in invalid continent 'unknown'
INF 1730 egs_log_filter.h 25 egs_ecinfo: Client ready (entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) (Row 90501) added to mirror)
WRN 1730 entity_callbacks.cpp 618 finalizeClientReady: <ANTIBUG>respawn : user (0x0000000010:00:00:87) is on invalid position 2156746 -2203546
WRN 1730 world_instances.cpp 214 CWorldInstances::msgToAIInstance: CWorldInstances::msgToAIInstance: Can't send the transport class 'class CAIPlayerRespawnMsg' to AIInstance #4294967295, not created.
I don't understand why he say that my user is in pos 2156746 -2203546 while the correct position of the spawn point is 2156.746 -2203.546
edit i add screenshot of the new continent
edit2 in the entities_game_service i can see
WRN 2648 player.cpp 652 CPlayer::getCharactersSummary: <CPlayer getCharactersSummary> Invalid location for user 1 Pos=(20700000,-20700000) Region=NULL Continent=NULL
Where is my problem???
Thanks a lot for your reply
erreur.png (1.6 MB)
RE: Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
Sorry for spam,
how can i test if my new continent was correctly loaded by the server?
Thanks for your reply
RE: Error create new continent
Added by lynnara over 3 years ago
I had a similar issue when I started making new continents. I believe one of the things I had to do was add a region in the continent primitive in the world editor. When I was comparing the region_newbieland.primitive to my own to figure out what I was missing, that was the only thing obvious.
So you have your region_[yourcontinent].primitive, and a continent icon at the top, right click on the continent and add region, drag the points around just like the continent zone (doesn't have to be exact or whatever). I named my regions the exact name of the region primitive file (without the .primitive of course).
Oh and just in case, adding the region/continent/place zone points in counterclockwise order seems to be required.
Clear out the datashard *.packed_sheets, run the pipeline again and if everything else was done right this will probably fix it.
RE: Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
Thanks for your reply,
i talk to kaetemi in freenode to that.
I think that work but now i gave a new problem. Entities_game_server said that my continent id is invalid. But when i want to add the id, my continent was not found in the tree list (Newbiland too). Anyone said where are stocked this id?
Thanks a lot
RE: Error create new continent
Added by lynnara over 3 years ago
My first guess would be R:\code\ryzom\server\used_continents.cfg
RE: Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
i found where are stocked id of continent, i'm rebuilding with the pipeline.
If it's work, i update the wiki documentation.
Continent's id are stored in the world_editor_classes.xml under L:\leveldesign\world_editor_files\
[SOLVED] Error create new continent
Added by rom74 over 3 years ago
Sorry for double post,
Ok my new continent work.
You nedd to modifie world_editor_classes.xml to add your continent made because entities_game_server need id for all continent.
I update the wiki when i have 5 min.
Thanks for all your help.
Edit: Modification added to the wiki page