Strange error, any ideas?
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
Error 2 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const * __thiscall NLMISC::CStringMapper::localMap(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &)" (?localMap@CStringMapper@NLMISC@QAEPBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std
@ABV34@Z) referenced in function "public: static class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const * __cdecl NLMISC::CStringMapper::map(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &)" (?map@CStringMapper@NLMISC
@Z) C:\Ryzom-Build\Client-Parts\VS-Projects\Client - Ryzom Core Client\nel_drv_dsound_win_r.lib(buffer_dsound.obj)
I have 2 instances of Ryzom source I am dealing with. This error comes only after everything builds fine but the client exe.
If I use the lib from the other instance that builds fine this will build and no errors.
I am changing the structure and folder layout and have gone through it all quite well to make sure things match.
I only get this error on the dsound and direct3d when the client goes to make the exe.
They build fine by themselves with no errors at all.
I also recopied the source and headers from the working instance and made sure the only things changed were includes.
Still gives these errors only these 2.
Replies (6)
RE: Strange error, any ideas?
Added by molator almost 3 years ago
Looks like, you're trying to link DirectSound driver will a different rev NelMisc.
Clean NeLMisc and DirectSound and rebuild.
RE: Strange error, any ideas?
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
Thanks for the reply, I am trying an experiment with restructuring the folder layouts for an easier time in an experiment I am trying to work on.
I figured maybe I got some includes out of order or it is pulling NLMISC from the wrong spot first due to my folder/includes being not what the base of the code expects.
What I have done so far a clean rebuild won't do it. I have to track down where it might be pulling NLMISC from that should not be. (If that makes sense).
I am still learning C++ and so far have done well, till this blunder.
RE: Strange error, any ideas?
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
Figured it out, user error. I'll leave this up incase another noob coder messes up like this.
I had to remake a few of the projects due to accidentally removing the wrong ones. Apparently the UUIDs didn't match up or something.
As well as I think I mixed up some of the Sound include pointers in some of the headers.
I redid all my work making very careful I didn't remove the wrong ones and all is well.
RE: Strange error, any ideas?
Added by molator almost 3 years ago
I don't know how you're progressing but
remember that the solution/projects are generated by CMake.
So if you want to change something you should change CMake config
instead of changing the solution/projects.
RE: Strange error, any ideas?
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
I am working on a compeletly different angle than the server/client is at the moment.
For now windows only based so I removed cmake for this.
Restructuring the folder layouts etc...
I do have the original source as well, that I leave the structure intact.
I eventually plan to take on some of the "to dos" here as well.
Figure this has given me a great base for a game idea I had long ago, so I may as well...
Pay my dues and contribute back.
I have no issue combing through and fixing typos and using Google translate.
Otherwise mundane and boring tasks I tend to have no issue doing if I have the time.
RE: Strange error, any ideas?
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
Also I am considering an attempt of porting this to C#.
So as simple as I can get it before hand will help greatly.
I am fairly low to medium skilled in code so I am looking at this project as a self teaching tool.
So far I have learned much more in a few years than I could ever have any other way.
Not a classroom and text book learner.