Graphical Issue on Latest Mac Compile and a Question

Added by Laelipoo over 2 years ago

It's me again. So after the last source code compile and rsync of data/client_default.cfg, this is the issue I have:

Any thoughts on how to fix this? I am not fond of being see-through, though it's only the armor, not the weapons as I have seen other people have issues with.

Also, since I know Kervala has done this before, exactly what files to I edit in order to change the version listed on the loading screens from FV Ryzom Core to the actual current build number? I'm silly, I know. Thanks in advance.

Replies (3)

RE: Graphical Issue on Latest Mac Compile and a Question - Added by kervala over 2 years ago

You can find it in code/ryzom/common/src/game_share/ryzom_version.h :)

About your "missing texture" problem I have no idea :( Did you update also other files in "data" folder with rsync ?

RE: Graphical Issue on Latest Mac Compile and a Question - Added by Laelipoo over 2 years ago

I did do that, but it puts a "FV" in front of whatever I put there. I guess I will have to live with that.

As for the texture, I did do an rsync for data and it tells me I have nothing to update. I could always do a fresh one, maybe a file got messed up somehow.

RE: Graphical Issue on Latest Mac Compile and a Question - Added by kervala over 2 years ago

The "FV" is also in official Windows client :)
