sheet_packer issues
Added by Max_De_Groot over 2 years ago
Hi, I know I'm asking a lot of questions...
All information I got has been real useful, I managed to build a working gameserver ;)
Even changing things in the world was no problem, using the wiki's I found here. (adding NPC's / quests / places)
I do have a problem with packing sheets tho...
Following the tutorials I ran into a few problems, and to find where it went wrong I started with
a complete clean download, built the server and made a new sheets_ID.bin and packed sheets.
The sheet_ID I get is almost an exact copy of the original. However, the packed sheets are less than 4 MB total,
while the originals are almost 57 MB. Also, my is only 1 KB, while the original is 10 KB.
And this is without changing anything!
When I use the provided sheets_ID.bin I get exactly the same result...
When running the client, it gives strange errors; the hair of my char changes and some icons are invisible after changing and packed sheets. Changing is what changes the hair style, and using the new packed sheets
makes icons invisible (quest scroll icon and cat icon are most obvious...)
I don't get any error messages, only a lot of warnings...
I use the following setup:
ubuntu 12.04 64 bit server, built from latest code
windows core client from binaries
mounted drives R and L according to world editor tutorial (mapped to samba shares on the server)
sheet_packer.exe in r:\code\ryzom\tools\sheet_packer\ with original cfg
Most of the warnings in the log refer to missing packed_sheets files (obvious, as there are none to begin with)
or even to sheets that are missing from sheets_ID.bin, but those sheets don't even exist to begin with!!! (lots of .faction files for example.)
I added the logs and a few screenshots to illustrate my problem...
I assume the original sheets_ID.bin and and the packed sheets from the client are from the same source...
Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I don't know where to look anymore...
01 unchanged.jpg - before I changed anything (177 kB)
02 after makeID and pack, only changed in client.jpg - changed (Icons still there but hair style changed) (218.3 kB)
03 after replacing packed sheets.jpg - after replacing packed sheets (177.8 kB)
sheets_packer.log (2.5 MB)
client.log - (in case it's needed) (766.9 kB)
Replies (1)
RE: sheet_packer issues
Added by Max_De_Groot over 2 years ago
So far I found that:
make_sheetID seems to work. Sheet_ID.bin it makes closely resembles the original.
Client packed sheets are made using sheet_ID.bin
Server packed sheets are made using (I have no idea why it's not done from sheet_ID.bin)
When playing with original packed sheets server and client everything works.
using new packed sheets serverside, original sheets clientside and both with new
it works reasonably. Some hair styles have changed, so there's definately information missing in the
generated! (duh, it's only 1k while the original is 10k...)
When using the new sheets clientside aswell, there are even more things missing (changed hair style,
missing icons for quest and cat for example).
Apparently my sheet_packer seems to misread sheet_ID.bin or there are sheets missing, but then they wouldn't be
in sheet_ID.bin right?
Again, I haven't changed anything, just using the files from repository....
any ideas? please?