error when starting shard server

Added by renothing almost 5 years ago

my requirements:Ubuntu10.04 32bit

when I start shard, the following error occurred

2010/08/17 22:23:05 INF 3071600864 SU config_file.h 337 EParseError : CF: Exception will be launched: Parse error on the "/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/shard_unifier_service.cfg" file, line 0

Log Starting [2010/08/17 22:23:06]
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 <Unknown> command.cpp 145 registerNamedCommandHandler : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 <Unknown> module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 <Unknown> module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 <Unknown> module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 <Unknown> module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 <Unknown> module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS service.cpp 252 cbDirectoryChanged : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/'
2010/08/17 22:23:06 DBG 3073853136 FS config_file.cpp 388 reparse : CF: Adding config file '/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg' in the config file
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS i18n.cpp 559 _readTextFile : Preprocess: In file /home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg(11) : Including 'frontend_service_default.cfg'
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS i18n.cpp 559 _readTextFile : Preprocess: In file frontend_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
2010/08/17 22:23:06 WRN 3073853136 FS config_file.cpp 422 reparse : CF: Parsing error in file (null) line 0, look in 'debug_frontend_service.cfg' for a preprocessed version of the config file
2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS config_file.h 337 EParseError : CF: Exception will be launched: Parse error on the "/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg" file, line 0

Replies (7)

RE: error when starting shard server - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

Check FSHost in code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg
You may have messed when editing.

RE: error when starting shard server - Added by renothing almost 5 years ago

molator wrote:

Check FSHost in code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg
I may have messed when editing.

I did it, but the server does not work.

RE: error when starting shard server - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

2010/08/17 22:23:06 INF 3073853136 FS config_file.h 337 EParseError : CF: Exception will be launched: Parse error on the "/home/ryzom/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg" file, line 0

You may have forgot a ' or " somewhere.
That's what the log is saying.
The default frontend_service.cfg is ok.
Didn't you change more than needed ?

RE: error when starting shard server - Added by renothing almost 5 years ago

no, I didn't change other thing..I think there is something wrong in

RE: error when starting shard server - Added by renothing almost 5 years ago

here is mine:


  1. the object is to make a launcher script that works with a command file to determine when to launch the application that it is responsible for

#DOMAIN=$(pwd |sed "s%/home/ryzom/ryzom/%%" | sed "s%/.*%%")
#NAME_BASE=$(pwd | sed 's/\/home\/ryzom/ryzom\///' | sed 's/^.*\///')

mkdir $1

#if [ _$DOMAIN == _pre_live ]
  1. then
    #elif [ _$DOMAIN == _pre_pre_live ]
  2. then
  3. CTRL_FILE=${NAME_BASE}.launch_ctrl
  4. NEXT_CTRL_FILE=${NAME_BASE}.deferred_launch_ctrl
  5. CTRL_FILE=${NAME_BASE}_immediate.launch_ctrl

echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting service launcher
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printf "%-16s = " CMDLINE ; echo $CTRL_CMDLINE
printf "%-16s = " CTRL_FILE ; echo $CTRL_FILE
printf "%-16s = " NEXT_CTRL_FILE ; echo $NEXT_CTRL_FILE
printf "%-16s = " STATE_FILE ; echo $STATE_FILE
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  1. reinit the start counter
    echo 0 > $START_COUNTER_FILE

echo Press ENTER to launch program
while true

  1. see if the conditions are right to launch the app
    if [ -e $CTRL_FILE ]
    1. a control file exists so read it's contents
      CTRL_COMMAND=_$(cat $CTRL_FILE)_
    1. do we have a 'launch' command?
      if [ $CTRL_COMMAND == LAUNCH ]
      1. update the start counter
      1. big nasty hack to deal with the special cases of ryzom_naming_service and ryzom_admin_service who have badly names cfg files
        for f in ryzom_*cfg
        cp $f $(echo $f | sed "s/ryzom_//")
      2. we have a launch command so prepare, launch, wait for exit and do the housekeeping
        echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        echo Launching ...
        printf RUNNING > $STATE_FILE


      echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      printf STOPPED > $STATE_FILE
      1. consume (remove) the control file to allow start once
        rm $CTRL_FILE
      echo Press ENTER to relaunch
  1. either we haven't launched the app yet or we have launched and it has exitted
    if [ -e $NEXT_CTRL_FILE ]
    then # we have some kind of relaunch directive lined up so deal with it
    else # give the terminal user a chance to press enter to provoke a re-launch
    read -t2 HOLD
    if [ ${HOLD} != HOLD ]
    printf LAUNCH > $CTRL_FILE
    #lunch end


RE: error when starting shard server - Added by Priato almost 5 years ago


Have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash" and select "no"?

I don't know if it should be linked to.

RE: error when starting shard server - Added by renothing almost 5 years ago

surely I did, but it doesn't work still......
