Few Quirks under Ubuntu 10.10

Added by Firecat over 4 years ago

While casting I got a choppy sound.
I fixed it by editing /etc/openal/alsoft.conf
Basically I added a new drivers line only allowing openal to use oss.
then after starting the game with padsp the sound seems to work nicely. Since I do not use windows I really cant compare.
I just wonder if more ppl have this issue and if yes well here is your answer.

In game help system only gives me this line. Error: The page address is mallformed: file:/gamedev.bnp@foo_bar_en.html

In game mp3 player cant be told where to find the audio files.

Replies (1)

RE: Few Quirks under Ubuntu 10.10 - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

Under Linux and Mac OS, Mp3 player doesn't have a file selector so you can't load a file or playlist :)

Local HTML files are not working because to a libwww bug.
