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[SOLVED] Debian Squeeze AMD64 - black screen
Added by Moyaku almost 4 years ago
Hi :)
I tried running the native client under my debian squeeze 64 bits ; I get a black screen with the golden cursor ; just like LinuxGameCast [[]] under Ubuntu 10.64, except my "log.log" output is different.
I attached my log.log file just in case...
Distro Version : Linux version 2.6.32-5-amd64 (Debian 2.6.32-35squeeze2)
NVIDIA Driver Version : 195.36.31
Could you please provide me with a bit of help ?
log.log (3.3 MB)
Replies (5)
RE: Debian Squeeze AMD64 - black screen
Added by kervala almost 4 years ago
You have this X error :
XError: GLXBadLargeRequest
XError: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)
It seems like X messages don't have the right length on your system.
Perhaps are you using a 64 bits OpenGL with Ryzom native client (which is compiled in 32 bits).
Please could you try client from my PPA (it's for Ubuntu but it should work under Debian) ?
To get the key :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 5E354EB2
Add this in repositories :
deb natty main
Both x86 and x86-64 binaries are provided :)
RE: Debian Squeeze AMD64 - black screen
Added by Moyaku almost 4 years ago
Hi :)
Thanx for the answer, I tried what you advised I m getting "unsatisfied dependencies" errors I am now trying to fix.
moyaku@Quadiltur:/$ sudo apt-get install ryzom-client
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Certains paquets ne peuvent être installés. Ceci peut signifier
que vous avez demandé l'impossible, ou bien, si vous utilisez
la distribution unstable, que certains paquets n'ont pas encore
été créés ou ne sont pas sortis d'Incoming.
L'information suivante devrait vous aider à résoudre la situation :Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
ryzom-client : Dépend: libluabind0.9.1 mais il n'est pas installable
Dépend: libnel0 mais ne sera pas installé
Dépend: libryzom-clientsheets0 (= 0.8.1758~natty0) mais ne sera pas installé
Dépend: libryzom-gameshare0 (= 0.8.1758~natty0) mais ne sera pas installé
Dépend: libstdc++6 (>= 4.5) mais 4.4.5-8 devra être installé
E: Paquets défectueux
I will soon let you know if I managed the
sudo apt-get install ryzom-client
RE: Debian Squeeze AMD64 - black screen
Added by kervala almost 4 years ago
You can check with an older version such as :
deb maverick main
deb lucid main
Debian Squeeze AMD64 - black screen
Added by Moyaku almost 4 years ago
I tried using
deb maverick main
The install run smoothly
And when I run
TaaDaa ! Atys opens Up ! Thanx a lot :) you made my day
Actually :) it all goes nicely until I log my main toon ; indeed once I click "PLAY" the screen turns black again :)
Checkin my log.log again :)
OK instead of running
I ran my previous installation executable and it s workin fine :)
Thanx a lot you made my day :)
RE: [SOLVED] Debian Squeeze AMD64 - black screen
Added by kervala almost 4 years ago
You're welcome :)