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Updated initial content?
Added by Vadi about 3 years ago
I'm downloading Ryzom in Australia - the local mirror maxed out my download speed at 1.1mb/s and the initial 1.4gb package got downloaded in 20mins.
The updater however is downloading at 30kB/s max - it's only on 300/341 items, was at this for an hour or so, and is generally taking forever. Not an entertaining way to start playing the game again after I've re-subscribed, that's for certain.
Is it feasible to download the initial package that's hosted on's CDN?
Replies (8)
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by Vadi about 3 years ago
I think I realized my mistake.
I ran the updater script, and since it gave my no UI of sorts, thought that it failed to work. So then I opened a terminal, dragged the script into it and ran it.
The script didn't even bother to make sure it's in the right directory and started downloading everything from scratch, littering my home folder, and also taking forever to finish.
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
What version are you using ?
For Linux static version, there are initial data there so they'll be patched.
For Ubuntu version, it download a big .7z archive from sourceforge first and then patch it.
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by Vadi about 3 years ago
Linux static version - I ran the script from my home folder and it failed to realize that, and it started downloading everything from scratch into my ~
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
In fact, if you're using the static version, you'll have to run the script from the same directory.
If you launch it from another one, it will redownload all in ~/.ryzom
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by Vadi about 3 years ago
It did not do that, it was downloading everything to ~ - where I ran it from, by accident (some scripts are smart enough to be run from wherever, I guess this case is different).
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
Please type :
cd <folder where you decompressed the Ryzom .7z file> ./
If you don't do that and you launch /home/user/somefolder/ it will patch in ~ and not in /home/user/somefolder.
RE: Updated initial content?
Added by Vadi about 3 years ago
That's what I said it did. It did that. It's wrong that it did that, it should not do that - it's not intuitive, it's confusing, and it's poor quality.
I've already got the game working. I'm not sure why're you still trying to explain how it works to me when I've figured out, concluded that it works badly, and tried to report it so it'd be known and hopefully fixed so others wouldn't stumble upon this problem.