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green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
Hey all, I posted this on the game forums but thought it might be ok here too.
I'm using Arch Linux 64-bit, all up to date, and using the ryzom client download off sourceforge (the .7z file). the game loads up nice and fast, and I log in fine. However, when I get to creating a character (haven't played yet so this is my first attempt at making a character) I get nothing but a green screen. I get the gold nose cursor that changes when I click, but get nothing on screen to click.
I've ran the game through terminal to look out for error messages, but get none at all.
the ryzom client from the AUR doesn't install either- the sourceforge download was a plan b, so please no pointing towards that...
Thanks for any help, feel free to ask for any other details you need.
Replies (16)
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by molator about 3 years ago
Could you provide client.log ?
What video card do you have ?
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
I've an ATI Radeon HD 4350 :P
client.log - client.log (1.1 MB)
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by molator about 3 years ago
Are you already running another 3D game on your distro ?
Are you using the default ATI driver or did you install the constructor one ?
If you don't use the constructor one, you could try it.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
Constructor driver? I use the proprietary one if that's what you mean!
No other games/applications running, though I play runescape on this Arch install too without issue.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
It seems like you're using an old version (2 years old).
RYZOM VERSION : FV 1.10.2 (Nov 9 2010 10:13:38)
You should first update your client launching : ./ in Ryzom directory.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
Already have ran the updater (did it before starting the game for the first time), still green-screening!
I'm not sure why my version comes out on that - I literally heard of the game barely a week ago and downloaded it fresh from Sourceforge.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
Please could you verify that your client is up-to-date ?
You should see "FV 1.13" at the top right while loading.
Btw you need to install "rsync" else it won't update at all.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
That's the first screen I see when clicking the client. I did install rsync as like you said the updater wouldn't do anything until I did.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
Thanks, so it should ok.
Please could you post a new version of your client.log ?
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
I actually re-installed (cleared everything off my computer with ryzom in the name, except the .7z file and re-extracted) - client.log posted =)
client.log (178.9 kB)
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
Thanks, I'll have to check what extensions that are not found in your log are needed to display the character selection menu.
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
Sounds great, thanks!
Assuming it's found I need more extensions, how will I go about getting them? Are they part of the ~/.ryzom file?
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
piecer wrote:
Sounds great, thanks!
Assuming it's found I need more extensions, how will I go about getting them? Are they part of the ~/.ryzom file?
In fact, that's not so easy. When I'll found the extension responsible for green screen, I can check for an extension with another name but with the same features or completely disable the feature (example: bloom).
You can't enable other extensions yourself because that's the OpenGL driver that implements them.
It seems like your OpenGL driver doesn't support any VBO extension checked by NeL.
Please could you try to add : DisableVtxAGP = 1;
in your client.cfg ?
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
Oooh I have a character creation screen after that!
Is there anything else I should do after that, or is that a full fix? Thanks a lot for the help so far!
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by kervala about 3 years ago
You're welcome :)
No, it's the same fix as under Mac OS X for some configurations :)
It should be slower, but at least it works.
We'll have to implement VBO using one of the extensions found in your log.
Thanks for the log it'll help us :)
RE: green screen when I click create a character
Added by piecer about 3 years ago
Doesn't seem to be slow at all, though I'm in minimum detail. When I pushed the details up alot it slowed down but not ridiculously - Glad I helped you in some way too =)
Thanks again, I'll get to trying the game, and I'll post the fix on the thread I posted on the community thread too, maybe it'll help others! :D