Section "API Tips and Tricks"

Added by vanila almost 6 years ago

Something that is terribly missing :

- a place where we can publish the things we (users and developpers) found out trying to use the Ryzom API.

I 've spent 1 hour trying to decode xml tags for skills (e.g <sfr1ap>) and found out afterward that somebody had the solution and published it in a rather illogical section of this forum (but there is no logical section for this right now); same thing for material tags and a number of other things.

Actually this message is a little Off Topic, but I don't know where to post it.

Replies (1)

RE: Section "API Tips and Tricks" - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

Ok, the API Tips and Tricks forum is created.

Feel free to show me which post you think could be nice to move there.
