Configuration what others can see

Added by X-Ray almost 6 years ago

I think its ok, that everyone can see, what I want to sell. "Items in store"
But I don't like that anyone can see my "equipments", "bag" ....

Where can I adjust, what others can see?

Replies (2)

RE: Configuration what others can see - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

Don't give your Full Character Key and people will not be able to see your items.

RE: Configuration what others can see - Added by X-Ray almost 6 years ago

Ok. No problem. Sry. The name says "Full Character Key"
but where can I adjust what the "Partial Character Key" can be used for?

As you wrote in the keys should be encrypted.
So I have to give my partial-key to someone else, and he/she should encrypt it or not. I am sorry, but imho this is not secure.

I love the idea of an external interface and I want to give information away. But I want to control it!

I do have a suggestion, which i think belongs to "Ryzom API suggestions" (please move it there if you think it does)

There should be a user-configuration for every part of current and future information you want to give to a website programmer.
So all rights can be adjusted where they belong to :)

  • if the user can configure what she/he wants to display, there is no need for any encryption :)
  • if I change my mind about any information I want to share. I can change it.
  • All website programmers only have to handle a string "suppressed". (go on reading :)
  • no need but the possibility for generating a new Key.
  • no need for informing all site-admins, that the old key is not valid anymore ....
  • No need for changing the existing database. The new configurtion can be a new database. FullKey PartKey are the keys for referencing the new configuration. (go on reading)

future default should be "deactivated"
if not active return text could be: "suppressed by user" or "suppressed"

defined by user:
  • Character is active: list character in Guild overveiw (this can eliminate a twink if needed) (default: active)
  • Character: To access character profiles.
    • Name (active)
    • Title (active)
    • Guild (active)
    • Item in store (active)
    • Hands
    • Equipments
    • Bag
  • Title: To convert a character title identifier to a translated string. (uses setting from Character above)
defined by guild leader or/and HO
  • Guild is active: activates the guild for "filtered Guilds" (see below) (default: active)
  • Guild: To access guild information.
    • all Members are listed (new) (lists everyone)
    • use definition from character configuration (new default: active)(uses config above)
  • GuildIcon: To display the icon of a guild. (active)
defined by you
  • Status: To know if the game servers are open or closed.
  • Time: To know the time and date in Ryzom
  • ItemIcon: To display the icon of an item.
  • Render: PHP functions to render a webpage with Ryzom style.
  • ReleaseNotes: To see the patch release notes.
  • Guilds: To display the list of all guilds. (may be both are usefull?)
  • new: filtered Guilds: a Guild is listed if flag "Guild is active" is set (see above)
    (this can handle the problem for elentars Guild list which is mentioned somewhere in the forum)
  • if the user can configure what she/he wants to display, there is no need for any encryption :)
  • if I change my mind about any information i can change it.
  • All website programmers only have to handle a string "suppressed".
  • no need but the possibility for generating a new Key.
  • no need for informing all site-admins, that the old key is not valid anymore
  • FullKey and PartKey could be used as "configuration Set1" and "configuration Set2" if the above configuration is doubled.
  • No need for changing the existing database. The new configurtion can be a new database. FullKey PartKey are the keys for referencing the new configuration.

sorry about the long mail
