Feature #1457

Support MS and IMA ADPCM instead of Intel/DVI ADPCM

Added by kaetemi about 3 years ago.

Status:Assigned Start date:04/09/2012
Priority:Low Due date:
Assignee:kaetemi % Done:


Category:NeL: Sound
Target version:- Estimated time:9000.00 hours


XAudio2 has native support for MS ADPCM, OpenAL supports IMA ADPCM. NeL 0.8 currently supports Intel/DVI ADPCM which is not supported natively by any hardware device or software library currently in use. NLSOUND will be changed to expect both MS and IMA ADPCM in the built samplebanks, as well as the uncompressed PCM data, and load the appropriate format depending on user preferences and driver capabilities.

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