Bug #1482

Private chat appearing in wrong window

Added by PizzaPill about 3 years ago.

Status:New Start date:06/19/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-


This happened the second time to me yesterday:
I'm in a team and chat with one of my teammates (Talk, P2P), another Player joins. The first player leaves the team. Private/talk messages from Player 2 appear now in the chat-window of Player 1, altough the correct nick is shown. If I write in this window, the messages are sent to Player 1, only if I'm writing in the window for Player 2 its send to Player 2.
In the end this creates the situation that messages from Player 1&2 are shown in the window of Player 1 and messages to Player 2 must be written into the window of Player 2.

I'm running the latest stable Ryzom from the official Ubuntu 12.04 repositories.

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