Version 15 (vl, 07/24/2009 05:48 pm)
1 | 1 | vl | h1. Character |
2 | 1 | vl | |
3 | 11 | vl | Access information from a character. |
4 | 11 | vl | |
5 | 13 | vl | If you create a website that require the use of the API Key, be sure to [[SecureAPIKey|secure the API Key]]. |
6 | 13 | vl | |
7 | 1 | vl | h2. Base URL |
8 | 1 | vl | |
9 | 11 | vl | * |
10 | 1 | vl | |
11 | 11 | vl | h2. URL Parameters |
12 | 1 | vl | |
13 | 11 | vl | h3. @key@ |
14 | 1 | vl | |
15 | 11 | vl | The [[API Key]] of the character (partial or full) |
16 | 1 | vl | |
17 | 11 | vl | h3. @part@ (optional) |
18 | 1 | vl | |
19 | 11 | vl | The part you want to retrieve. |
20 | 1 | vl | |
21 | 11 | vl | Default value depends of the key. If you provide a partial key, @part@ will be @partial@. If you provide a full key, @part@ will be @full@. |
22 | 12 | kishan | Of course, you can not access the full profile with a partial key. |
23 | 1 | vl | |
24 | 11 | vl | * @partial@: Get basics information (mainly public information, smaller file). |
25 | 11 | vl | * @full@: Get all information (bigger file, use it only if you really need specific information that exists only in this profile). |
26 | 15 | vl | * @items@: Get items information related to the character. Check [[Item Values]] to have information on item parameters. |
27 | 10 | vl | |
28 | 11 | vl | h2. Cache Duration |
29 | 10 | vl | |
30 | 11 | vl | The profile is cached for *1 hour*. |
31 | 10 | vl | |
32 | 11 | vl | h2. PHP Interface |
33 | 11 | vl | |
34 | 11 | vl | h3. @ryzom_character_simplexml($key, $part='')@ |
35 | 11 | vl | |
36 | 11 | vl | Get a @$key@ (partial or full) and a @$part@ and returns a "simplexml": object containing the character information. |
37 | 11 | vl | |
38 | 14 | vl | h3. @ryzom_character_xmlgz($key, $part='')@ |
39 | 14 | vl | |
40 | 14 | vl | Get a @$key@ (partial or full) and a @$part@ and returns a gzipped xml containing the character information. |
41 | 14 | vl | |
42 | 11 | vl | h3. @ryzom_character_valid_key($key, &$uid, &$slot, &$full)@ |
43 | 11 | vl | |
44 | 11 | vl | Returns true if the key seems valid (or false if not). It doesn't do server check, but only basic checks. |
45 | 11 | vl | |
46 | 12 | kishan | This function sets the user id and slot for this key. @$full@ will be @true@ if the key give full access to the character. |
47 | 11 | vl | |
48 | 1 | vl | h2. Real Examples |
49 | 1 | vl | |
50 | 11 | vl | If you have a website that use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it. |