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vl, 07/24/2009 05:48 pm


Access information from a character.

If you create a website that require the use of the API Key, be sure to secure the API Key.

Base URL

URL Parameters


The API Key of the character (partial or full)

part (optional)

The part you want to retrieve.

Default value depends of the key. If you provide a partial key, part will be partial. If you provide a full key, part will be full.
Of course, you can not access the full profile with a partial key.

  • partial: Get basics information (mainly public information, smaller file).
  • full: Get all information (bigger file, use it only if you really need specific information that exists only in this profile).
  • items: Get items information related to the character. Check Item Values to have information on item parameters.

Cache Duration

The profile is cached for 1 hour.

PHP Interface

ryzom_character_simplexml($key, $part='')

Get a $key (partial or full) and a $part and returns a simplexml object containing the character information.

ryzom_character_xmlgz($key, $part='')

Get a $key (partial or full) and a $part and returns a gzipped xml containing the character information.

ryzom_character_valid_key($key, &$uid, &$slot, &$full)

Returns true if the key seems valid (or false if not). It doesn't do server check, but only basic checks.

This function sets the user id and slot for this key. $full will be true if the key give full access to the character.

Real Examples

If you have a website that use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.