Ryzom Summer Coding Contest

The contest is now over. (news)

What Is The Ryzom Summer Coding Contest?

Ryzom Summer Coding Contest is intended to generate enthusiasm for Ryzom development and to encourage developers to contribute applications that demonstrate use and adoption of the Ryzom API and Ryzom game. Prizes will be awarded to those who submit the best projects as determined by the judges in accordance with these Official Rules.

The goal is to create a Ryzom tool, plugin or website that uses the new Ryzom API. The Ryzom API is a web OpenAPI service that provides real information from within the game.

Projects will be judged on:
  • Innovation
  • Usefulness
  • Ease-Of-Use
  • Multilingual Support (English/French/German)
  • Validity and Completeness
  • Code Quality
Important considerations will be:
  • Popularity among players.
  • Availability
  • Stability

Who Can Participate

Anyone can participate, all that is required is a little imagination, a great idea and a smattering of programming ability. When you have your idea decided on and you are ready to get started submit your idea , check out the API and get started!

If you do not have the time or ability to participate in the contest feel free to submit ideas for contest participants to consider.

Don't forget that the Ryzom PHP API is under GNU LGPL licence but for this contest, your application must be under licence GNU AGPLv3.

Keep in mind that teams can enter the contest as well! See the contest rules for more information!

Where Do I Get Information

There are several sources of information regarding the contest including this page.

Additionally you will likely be interested in the Ryzom API itself as using this with your application is a contest requirement:

If you have any question regarding to this contest please use the IRC channel (irc.freenode.net #ryzom) or this forum.


Prizes will be distributed as follows; all prizes are in EURO:

  • 1st prize: EUR 3 000 (USD 4 200)
  • 2nd prize: EUR 1 000 (USD 1 400)
  • 3rd prize: EUR 500 (USD 700)


Note: this timeline is subject to change.

Important Dates
17 July Contest announcement
30 September End of the submission
October Winners announced