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nimetu, 12/18/2013 01:40 pm


Access information from a guild.

Base URL

URL Parameters


The API Key of the guild.

Cache Duration

The information are cached for 1 hour.
Guild xml element has attributes created and cached_until (utc timestamp)

PHP Interface


$key can be either string (single key) or array of strings.

On success, function returns associative array of SimpleXMLElement with $key as array index.
On failure, function returns boolean false.

XML structure

API is able to return information about multiple guilds at once and so each <guild> element is child of <ryzomapi> root element
<guild apikey="key1" created="1387369332" modules="G01:G02:G03:G04:P01" cached_until="1387369632">
<guild apikey="key2" created="1387369332" modules="P01" cached_until="1387369632">

Invalid key error

When provided key is invalid, then xml contains <error> element with code attribute.
<guild apikey="key1" created="1387369873">
<error code="404">invalid key</error>

Possible error codes are listed on API error codes.