
Version 5 (nimetu, 12/18/2013 02:17 pm)

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h1. GuildIcon
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h2. Base URL
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h2. URL Parameters
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h3. @icon@
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It's a raw 64 bits number that contains all information to render a guild icon. It's the number that is in the [[Character]] xml file under @guild->icon@ !!
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h3. @size@ (optional)
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* @s@: *(default)* Small guild icon (32x32 pixels)
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* @b@: Big guild icon (64x64 pixels)
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h2. Cache Duration
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It's cached for ever. Since the icon is unique and never changes. For a specific icon, it'll always return the same image.
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h2. PHP Interface
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h3. @ryzom_guild_icon_url($icon, $size)@
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28 4 kishan
Returns a string that contains the url to display a guild icon.