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kishan, 04/24/2009 04:21 pm


Base URL

URL Parameters


It's a raw 64 bits number that contains all information to render a guild icon. It's the number that is in the Character xml file under guild->icon (example).

size (optional)

Default size is s.

  • s: Small guild icon (32x32 pixels) (example).
  • b: Big guild icon (64x64 pixels) (example).

Cache Duration

It's cached for ever. Since the icon is unique and never changes. For a specific icon, it'll always return the same image.

PHP Interface

ryzom_guild_icon_image($icon, $size)

Returns a string that contains the html code to display a guild icon.

ryzom_guild_icon_url($icon, $size)

Returns a string that contains the url to display a guild icon.

ryzom_guild_icon($icon, $size)

Returns the image data of the guild icon. You should never use it except if you want to use the image to combine with another image for example.

Real Examples

If you have a website that uses this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.