Version 3 (vl, 04/24/2009 03:06 pm) → Version 4/5 (kishan, 04/24/2009 04:21 pm)
h1. GuildIcon
h2. Base URL
h2. URL Parameters
h3. @icon@
It's a raw 64 bits number that contains all information to render a guild icon. It's the number that is in the [[Character]] xml file under @guild->icon@ ("example":
h3. @size@ (optional)
Default @size@ is @s@.
* @s@: Small guild icon (32x32 pixels) ("example":
* @b@: Big guild icon (64x64 pixels) ("example":
h2. Cache Duration
It's cached for ever. Since the icon is unique and never changes. change. For a specific icon, it'll always return the same image.
h2. PHP Interface
h3. @ryzom_guild_icon_image($icon, $size)@
Returns a string that contains the html code to display a guild icon.
h3. @ryzom_guild_icon_url($icon, $size)@
Returns a string that contains the url to display a guild icon.
h3. @ryzom_guild_icon($icon, $size)@
Returns the image *data* of the guild icon. You should never use it except if you want to use the image to combine with another image for example.
h2. Real Examples
If you have a website that uses use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.
h2. Base URL
h2. URL Parameters
h3. @icon@
It's a raw 64 bits number that contains all information to render a guild icon. It's the number that is in the [[Character]] xml file under @guild->icon@ ("example":
h3. @size@ (optional)
Default @size@ is @s@.
* @s@: Small guild icon (32x32 pixels) ("example":
* @b@: Big guild icon (64x64 pixels) ("example":
h2. Cache Duration
It's cached for ever. Since the icon is unique and never changes. change. For a specific icon, it'll always return the same image.
h2. PHP Interface
h3. @ryzom_guild_icon_image($icon, $size)@
Returns a string that contains the html code to display a guild icon.
h3. @ryzom_guild_icon_url($icon, $size)@
Returns a string that contains the url to display a guild icon.
h3. @ryzom_guild_icon($icon, $size)@
Returns the image *data* of the guild icon. You should never use it except if you want to use the image to combine with another image for example.
h2. Real Examples
If you have a website that uses use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.