
Version 30 (vl, 07/16/2009 03:43 pm)

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h2. Welcome to the Ryzom API Wiki.
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You'll find here the documentation about Ryzom API.
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Ryzom API is an URL based system to get some Ryzom information like server status, game time or character profile.
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*Note*: Ryzom API is currently in *Beta test*. It means that it's possible we'll change the API, the XML format, the API keys format in the near future.
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h2. Available Ryzom API
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* *[[Status]]*: To know if the game servers are open or closed.
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* *[[Time]]*: To know the time and date in Ryzom
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* *[[Character]]*: To access character profiles.
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* *[[ItemIcon]]*: To display the icon of an item.
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* *[[Title]]*: To convert a character title identifier to a translated string.
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* *[[Render]]*: PHP functions to render a webpage with Ryzom style.
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* *[[ReleaseNotes]]*: To see the patch release notes.
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* *[[GuildIcon]]*: To display the icon of a guild.
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* *[[Guilds]]*: To display the list of all guilds.
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* *[[Guild]]*: To access guild information.
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h2. User Tools
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* *[[Banner]]*: Display the banner of a character.
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* *[[ExampleProfile]]*: Display a basic character profile.
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We developed a set of helper function in PHP to easier access the Ryzom API. [[PHP Ryzom API|More information...]]
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h2. Discuss
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You want to discuss about Ryzom API? You have the choice:
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h3. Forums
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If you have some ideas of a website that could be fun that use Ryzom API, post it on "the forum":http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom-api/boards/11
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There are other forums to talk about different subjects "here":http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom-api/boards
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h3. Chat
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Chat with us about Ryzom API on IRC: *irc.freenode.net / #ryzom*