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vl, 04/24/2009 03:38 pm


Welcome to the Ryzom API Wiki.

You'll find here the documentation about Ryzom API.

Ryzom API is an url based system to get some Ryzom information like server status, game time or character profile.

Note: Ryzom API is currently in Alpha test. It means that it's possible we'll change the API, the xml format, the API keys format in the near future.

Available Ryzom API

  • Status: To know if the game server are open or closed.
  • Time: To know what time is it in Ryzom.
  • Character: To access character profile.
  • GuildIcon: Display the blason of a guild.
  • ItemIcon: Display the blason of a guild.
  • Title: Display the title of a character.

User Tools

  • Banner: Display the banner of a character.


We developed a set of helper function in PHP to easier access the Ryzom API. More information...


You want to discuss about Ryzom API? You have the choice:


If you have some ideas of a website that could be fun that use Ryzom API, post it on the forum

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Chat with us about Ryzom API on IRC: irc.freenode.net / #ryzom


We are looking for web developer volunteers to create great website/tools based on Ryzom API. If you want to help, contact us on the forum or in the chat.