
Version 15 (nimetu, 12/19/2013 08:18 am)

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h1. Time
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This Ryzom API gets the time in the game servers (shards).
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h2. Base URL
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* http://api.ryzom.com/time.php
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h2. URL Parameters
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h3. @format@ (optional) 
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Default @format@ is @raw@.
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* @raw@: Returns the tick. The server tick is a 32 bit integer that increases by one every 100 milliseconds ("example":http://api.ryzom.com/time.php?format=raw).
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* @txt@: Returns a homine-readable string ("example":http://api.ryzom.com/time.php?format=txt).
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* @xml@: Returns an xml file that contains all shard time information ("example":http://api.ryzom.com/time.php?format=xml).
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h2. Cache Duration
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The data is cached during *1 minute*.
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h2. PHP Interface
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h3. @ryzom_time_api()@
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Returns *SimpleXMLElement* or boolean *false* on failure.
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h3. XML structure
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<pre><code class="xml">
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  <txt_en>13h - Dua, Mystia 20, 1st AC 2576</txt_en>
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  <txt_fr>13h - Dua, Mystia 20, 1er CA 2576</txt_fr>
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  <txt_de>13h - Dua, Mystia 20, 1. AZ 2576</txt_de>
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  <cache created="1387437183" expire="1387437243"/>
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h2. Real Examples
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If you have a website that use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.
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* Unversal Widget (for windows, netvibes, igoogle,...) http://eco.netvibes.com/widgets/305491/ryzom-time
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* Atys Time converter (sources available) http://ryzom.kervala.net/time.php