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vl, 04/24/2009 03:50 pm


This Ryzom API gets the time in the game servers (shards).

Base URL

URL Parameters


The id of the shard. Can be ani, lea or ari.

format (optional)

Default format is raw.

  • raw: Returns the tick. The server tick is a 32 bit integer that increase by one every 100 milliseconds (example).
  • txt: Returns a string that is the time that is homine readable (example).
  • xml: Returns an xml file that contains all shard time information (example).

Cache Duration

The data is cached during 1 minute.

PHP Interface


Returns the tick of the shard identified by $shardid.


$rytime is the array returned by ryzom_time_array.
Returns the time in homine readable string.


$rytime is the array returned by ryzom_time_array.
Returns the time in an xml format.

ryzom_time_array($tick, $shardid)

Creates and returns an array containing all information about the time.

Real Examples

If you have a website that use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.