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vl, 04/10/2009 06:50 pm


Base URL



The server tick is a 32 bit integer that increase by one every 100 milliseconds.
To convert it into Ryzom time, you need to know the conversion table.

  • shardid: shard id like 'ani' 'lea' 'ari'
  • f: Output format 0=tick server 1=homin readable 2=xml format

Update Frequency

The tick is updated every minute.

PHP Example

$txt = file_get_contents('http://atys.ryzom.com/servertick/index.php?shardid=ani');
echo "<html><body><p>Server Tick on Aniro is $txt</body></html>";

will display

Server Tick on Aniro is 1269525929

Real Examples