
Version 14 (ChrisNewman, 09/14/2010 07:32 pm)

1 10 ChrisNewman
h1. Anatomy Of A Tree 
2 2 ChrisNewman
3 2 ChrisNewman
4 3 ChrisNewman
5 12 ChrisNewman
6 12 ChrisNewman
7 12 ChrisNewman
8 3 ChrisNewman
h3. 1. JU_S3_Bush_tree_X
9 3 ChrisNewman
10 4 ChrisNewman
This is the low level mesh that the tree will fade to as the distance of the camera expands.
11 4 ChrisNewman
The picture is just a simple front and side camera render and the naked eye will not be able to tell the difference @ runtime.
12 6 ChrisNewman
It is attached to the JU_S3_Bush_tree's "LOD" node in its "Node Property's" window.
13 4 ChrisNewman
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17 3 ChrisNewman
h3. 2. PACS Cyl01
18 1 ChrisNewman
19 10 ChrisNewman
This is the collision mesh.
20 10 ChrisNewman
21 14 ChrisNewman
> Note> Clusterize is checked under its node property's.
22 14 ChrisNewman
23 3 ChrisNewman
h3. 3. JU_S3_Bush_tree
24 3 ChrisNewman
25 8 ChrisNewman
This is the main mesh.
26 8 ChrisNewman
The mesh is weight painted using the NeL_Tree_Painter plugin for MAX, Darker color is harder and lighter color gradient is more "Bendable".
27 8 ChrisNewman
You can adjust its wind property's under its "VertexProgram" tab in its Node.
28 8 ChrisNewman
You can test and view the wind in the Object Viewer plugin for max, Also you can export it as a .shape and view it using OVQT.   
29 8 ChrisNewman
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36 3 ChrisNewman
h3. 4. BushtreeDummy
37 1 ChrisNewman
38 11 ChrisNewman
I don't know what the hell this does, but add it anyway.
39 10 ChrisNewman
40 13 ChrisNewman
> Note> Clusterize is checked under its node property's.
41 13 ChrisNewman
42 1 ChrisNewman
h3. 5. BushtreeDummyX 
43 10 ChrisNewman
44 10 ChrisNewman
This too.