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Botanic, 01/22/2012 10:05 pm



Adding a new ecosystem
You need:
- a name for the ecosystem (I use "rocky")
You will make:
- a tilebank
- ligo blocks
How to add:
- In R:\code\nel\tools\build_gamedata\generators\, add an entry for rocky, make sure it contains the necessary tile directories [1]
- Run R:\code\nel\tools\build_gamedata\generators\
- In R:\code\ryzom\tools\build_gamedata\workspace\, add [2]
- Run " ipj ecosystems/rocky"
Create your under W:\database\landscape\_texture_tiles\rocky, create all necessary tiles
- Create all necessary tiles under W:\database\landscape\_texture_tiles\rocky_au, _sp, _su and _wi.
- Create ligo blocks under W:\database\landscape\ligo\rocky\max
- Per material you need a file in W:\database\landscape\ligo\rocky\max\materials
- Per transition between material you need a file in W:\database\landscape\ligo\rocky\max\transitions
- A screenshot tga of ligo blocks under W:\database\landscape\ligo\rocky\zonebitmaps
- Run " ipj ecosystems/rocky" " -ipj ecosystems/rocky" " -ipj ecosystems/rocky"
Create L:\leveldesign\Ecosystems\rocky.ecosystem (with required info).
- In L:\leveldesign\world_editor_files\world_editor_classes.xml, add context entries for rocky wherever it seems necessary.
- In R:\code\ryzom\common\data_common\database.xml, update the ecosystem count, and run the xsl transform tool.
- In R:\code\ryzom\common\src\game_share\ecosystem.h&cpp, add the necessary entries for rocky.
- Compile code & run leveldesign_dev.bat in the build pipeline.
- Sync all sheets and other server data to server.

Adding continent howto & files will be mailed later today

Here's screencap


  1. ROCKY
    ShapeExportOptExportLighting = DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting
    ShapeExportOptShadow = DefaultShapeExportOptShadow
    ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = DefaultShapeExportOptLightingLimit
    ShapeExportOptLumelSize = DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize
    ShapeExportOptOversampling = DefaultShapeExportOptOversampling
    ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = DefaultShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap
    ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog
    TextureMulSizeValue = DefaultTextureMulSizeValue
    SeasonSuffixes = DefaultSeasonSuffixes
    MapSubdirectories = [ ]
    MapSubdirectories += [ "vegetations" ]
    TileDirectories = [ ]
    TileDirectories += [ "1-sample-rocks" ]
    TileDirectories += [ "transitions" ]
    generateEcosystem("rocky", "rocky")


ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/rocky" ]