
Version 108 (rti, 05/15/2010 09:52 pm)

1 1 vl
h1. CurrentState
2 1 vl
3 1 vl
This page list the current state of all members of the community.
4 1 vl
5 1 vl
Please edit and update this page to add your profile and your current state.
6 1 vl
7 3 vl
h2. vl/ace
8 1 vl
9 73 vl
* server compiled & run on ubuntu_x86 & debian_x86 (using build system in static)
10 73 vl
* client compiled & run on windows 7 x86 (vc express 2008 sp1)
11 73 vl
* tools compiled & run on windows 7 x86 (vc express 2008 sp1 + MFC)
12 73 vl
* client compiled on ubuntu 9.10 x86 (using build system in static)
13 1 vl
14 4 bdh
h2. bdh
15 4 bdh
16 4 bdh
* server compiled windows 7 x64
17 5 kerozcak
18 16 grego
h2. grego
19 16 grego
20 50 grego
* server compiled & running under ubuntu 10.04 i386
21 32 grego
* server paritally compiled under debian lenny i386
22 96 grego
* server compiled & run win 7 x86 (VC++ 2008 SP1)
23 96 grego
* client compiled & run win 7 x86 (VC++ 2008 SP1)
24 96 grego
* tools compiled & run win 7 x86
25 52 grego
* connected to my local shard and created account, logged in and am cruising around!
26 96 grego
* opened firewall to allow remote clients to connect to the world @ - feel free
27 16 grego
28 5 kerozcak
h2. kerozcak
29 5 kerozcak
30 25 kerozcak
* server compiled, running and working on gentoo Linux 2.6 x86
31 26 kerozcak
* Windows Ryzom Core Client  connects to the server, creats character and logs in the game testing area
32 1 vl
* Apache/php configured
33 19 kerozcak
* http://localhost:40916/login/r2_login.php working
34 25 kerozcak
* http://localhost/admin/index.php working
35 6 Kane
36 87 Kane
h2. *Kane Hart*
37 1 vl
38 87 Kane
* Client compiled under & run on Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64Bit but running under 32Bit Application.
39 87 Kane
* Nel compiled as 32Bit under Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64Bit.
40 87 Kane
* Server compiled on Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64Bit.
41 87 Kane
* Server Running under Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition 64Bit. 
42 87 Kane
* Connected Client to Server on separate networks fine.
43 87 Kane
* *Current Status:* Trying to make a patch?
44 7 ratmice
45 7 ratmice
h2. ratmice
46 7 ratmice
47 7 ratmice
* nel with cmake & client with cmake, on x86_64/fedora 12 (patches in tracker, does not run yet)
48 8 kervala
49 8 kervala
h2. kervala
50 8 kervala
51 8 kervala
* client (32 and 64 bits) and server (32 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
52 91 kervala
* client (64 bits) compiled with CMake and run on Ubuntu 10.4 64 bits
53 9 vinnie
54 17 Krolock
h2. Krolock
55 14 ulukyn
56 106 Krolock
* Windows XP + Visual Studio 2008 SP1
57 106 Krolock
** client and server compiled successfully
58 106 Krolock
** NeL and Ryzom tools compiled
59 106 Krolock
** connected with client to and the local server
60 106 Krolock
** char creation and connection fine
61 106 Krolock
* OpenSuse 11.2 32 bit
62 106 Krolock
** successfully compiled the client with cmake inside a virtual machine.
63 106 Krolock
** server doesn't work with cmake yet
64 106 Krolock
* OpenSuse 11.2 64 bit
65 106 Krolock
** Failed complete because of typecast errors
66 106 Krolock
67 17 Krolock
68 14 ulukyn
h2. Ulukyn
69 14 ulukyn
70 14 ulukyn
* client (32 and 64 bits) and server (32 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
71 14 ulukyn
* client and server (32 bits) compiled on debian 32 bits
72 14 ulukyn
73 101 aquatic
74 101 aquatic
h2. aquatic
75 101 aquatic
76 101 aquatic
* client (32 and 64 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
77 101 aquatic
* client (32 bits) compiled and run on Windows XP 64 bits
78 101 aquatic
* client (64 bits) compiled with CMake and run on Ubuntu 10.4 64 bits
79 101 aquatic
80 27 kaetemi
h2. Kaetemi
81 27 kaetemi
82 45 kaetemi
* _Windows 7 x64 *VS2008* without SP1 without STLport compile for x86 on desktop_
83 27 kaetemi
** *Compile Success*: NeL, NeL Tools, NeL 3ds Max Plugins, NeLNS, Ryzom Client, Ryzom Tools
84 27 kaetemi
** *Compile Failed*: Ryzom Server: A missing hash_map operator gives compile errors
85 45 kaetemi
* _Windows 7 x64 *VS2008* without SP1 with *STLport* compile for x86 on desktop_
86 27 kaetemi
** *Compile Success*: NeL, NeL Tools, NeLNS, Ryzom Client, Ryzom Tools, Ryzom Server
87 1 vl
** *Compile Failed*: NeL 3ds Max Plugins: 3ds Max SDK define kills STLport during compile
88 45 kaetemi
* _Windows 7 x64 *VS2008* with *SP1* without STLport compile for x86 on laptop_
89 1 vl
** *Compile Success*: NeL, NeL Tools, NeL 3ds Max Plugins, NeLNS, Ryzom Tools, Ryzom Client, Ryzom Server
90 45 kaetemi
** *Run OK*: NeL Tools, NeL 3ds Max Plugins, NeLNS, Ryzom Tools, *Ryzom Client, Ryzom Server* :)
91 45 kaetemi
* _WampServer 2.0 with *Apache 2.2.11*, *PHP 5.2.10*, and *MySQL 5.1.33*_
92 45 kaetemi
** *Script OK*: Login
93 45 kaetemi
** *Script Fail*: Admin: Shard does not show up, cannot add anything either.
94 27 kaetemi
95 9 vinnie
h2. Vinnie
96 9 vinnie
97 85 vinnie
* Windows 7 Pro x64, VS2008 SP1, compiled 32b
98 85 vinnie
** server compiled & running
99 85 vinnie
** client compiled & running
100 85 vinnie
** tools compiled
101 72 vinnie
102 85 vinnie
* Windows 7 Pro x64, VS2008 SP1, compiled x64
103 89 vinnie
** server compiled entities_game_service crashes when starting all services
104 85 vinnie
** client compiled
105 85 vinnie
** tools gave errors
106 10 vikarti
107 10 vikarti
h2. vikarti
108 11 vikarti
109 30 vikarti
* Visual Studio 2008 SP1,STLPort,Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit(but all was build as 32 bit)
110 30 vikarti
* Apache: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32)
111 30 vikarti
* PHP 5.2.13 (built: Feb 24 2010 14:32:32) (used as mod_php)
112 30 vikarti
* MySQL Server:Ver 5.1.46-community for Win32 on ia32 
113 30 vikarti
* Client compiled and runs correctly (with
114 30 vikarti
* NeL & server compiled correctly
115 1 vl
* Apache/php configured
116 30 vikarti
* Server modules appears to be running in sync
117 18 kaetemi
* http://localhost:40916/login/r2_login.php appears correctly
118 30 vikarti
* current state:client does not connect with error code 4(manually asking same url via Firefox - returns expected results,apache 2.2 logs looks fine),admin web interface allows to login(after manual db modifications),sees that there is a shard but don't see running services as on
119 30 vikarti
* [Vikarti_Problems_encountered_so_far]
120 18 kaetemi
121 18 kaetemi
h2. sorlok_reaves
122 18 kaetemi
123 18 kaetemi
* Windows Vista Business, 32-bit, VC++ Express 2008:
124 18 kaetemi
** NeL and server compiled
125 18 kaetemi
** Client compiled
126 18 kaetemi
** Several tools (non-MFC ones) compiled 
127 18 kaetemi
** *Current state:* Trying to find my old MFC (VS) license to compile tools, etc.
128 22 Andrew
129 22 Andrew
h2. Andrew
130 22 Andrew
131 24 Andrew
* Successfully compiled linux server on debian but didn't install it yet
132 23 Andrew
* Now working on compiling NeL library for windows
133 29 feendrache
134 29 feendrache
h2. feendrache
135 29 feendrache
136 57 feendrache
* Server Compiled for Linux / Ubuntu
137 57 feendrache
* Client Compiled with Vc++ Express for Vista
138 67 feendrache
* Client connecting to server
139 67 feendrache
140 67 feendrache
* _Currently working on setting up my own world_
141 31 Phaelae
142 31 Phaelae
h2. Phaelae
143 31 Phaelae
144 31 Phaelae
* Using: Windows 7 (x86) with Visual C++ 2008
145 31 Phaelae
146 31 Phaelae
* NeL - Compiled
147 31 Phaelae
* Client - Compiled
148 31 Phaelae
* Server - Compiled
149 31 Phaelae
* Tools - Compiled
150 81 Phaelae
* Apache, MySQL, PHP - Installed and configured with shard administration website working.
151 31 Phaelae
152 31 Phaelae
* _Currently trying to get server running and client to connect_
153 44 SpynalTom
154 44 SpynalTom
h2. SpynalTom
155 44 SpynalTom
156 44 SpynalTom
* Compiled on Ubuntu 9.10 (x86)
157 44 SpynalTom
* Currently rebuilding Debian 5.x server and trying to compile
158 48 Mankar
159 48 Mankar
h2. Mankar
160 48 Mankar
161 48 Mankar
* Compiled on Windows 7 using Vc++ Express 2008 (x86 and 64-bit)
162 48 Mankar
* Compiled NeL, NeLNS, and Snowballs on OSX 10.6 using g++ (x86)
163 48 Mankar
* Successfully run and connect to server on Windows 7.
164 51 mitharus
165 51 mitharus
h2. Mitharus
166 51 mitharus
167 51 mitharus
* Compiled/running server on Slackware 13.0 (x86)
168 51 mitharus
** GCC 4.3.3
169 51 mitharus
** Apache 2.2.13 - PHP 5.2.11
170 55 webshinra
171 55 webshinra
h2. webshinra
172 58 sorlok_reaves
173 55 webshinra
* partially compiled on Ubuntu x64
174 68 webshinra
* compiled using a chroot 32 bit
175 56 jayme
176 56 jayme
h2. vhelsing
177 58 sorlok_reaves
178 56 jayme
* Debian sid, x86
179 56 jayme
** nel with cmake
180 100 jayme
** client with cmake [lua5.1]
181 60 Kristaba
182 60 Kristaba
h2. Kristaba
183 61 Kristaba
184 60 Kristaba
* Ubuntu 10.04 i386
185 60 Kristaba
** Compiled NeL, NeLNS, Ryzom Server
186 60 Kristaba
* Windows XP (x86) using VC++ Express 2008
187 60 Kristaba
** Compiled NeL, NeLNS, Ryzom Server, Ryzom Client
188 62 rc
189 62 rc
h2. rc
190 62 rc
191 79 rc
* +Windows Server 2003 (x86)+
192 78 rc
** Successfully compiled everything using VS2008 Pro SP1 (Commitment: 82)
193 78 rc
*** Modified configuration files.
194 78 rc
*** Set up mysql, imported stucture and data.
195 1 vl
** Successfully compiled everything using VS2008 Pro SP1 (Commitment: 102)
196 79 rc
*** Fixed internal assert error.
197 86 rc
*** Modified configuration files.
198 86 rc
*** All services running
199 86 rc
*** Web working
200 86 rc
*** Able to join server, tested with three people online, running smooth.
201 64 invaders
202 64 invaders
h2. invaders
203 64 invaders
204 66 invaders
* Server compiled on ubuntu_x86
205 69 narfman0
206 69 narfman0
h2. narfman0
207 69 narfman0
208 70 narfman0
* Server compiled on Ubuntu 9.10 x86, Fedora 12 x64_86
209 74 rti
210 74 rti
h2. rti
211 74 rti
212 104 rti
* nel, nelns, ryzom client built on Mac OS X 10.6 for x86_64 using [[BuildForMacCmake]]
213 104 rti
* client running with some minor hacks (looking further into it)
214 104 rti
* nel, nelns, ryzom services compiled on ubuntu 10.4 32bit using [[BuildForLinux]]
215 108 rti
* services running with a customized yubo count :)
216 82 Priato
217 82 Priato
h2. Priato
218 82 Priato
219 105 Priato
* compiled and running server/client for windows 7 x86 using Vc++ Express 2008
220 84 Rawfox
221 84 Rawfox
h2. rawfox
222 84 Rawfox
223 84 Rawfox
* compiled client on Win7_64 in 32bit and 64bit, both versions tested and runnin nice
224 84 Rawfox
* compiled server on Win7_64 in 32bit and 64bit, not tested yet, setting up the configs
225 84 Rawfox
* compiled server on Fedora12_64
226 88 Dishwasha
227 88 Dishwasha
h2. Dishwasha
228 88 Dishwasha
229 88 Dishwasha
* compiled and running server on Ubuntu 9.10 x86
230 88 Dishwasha
* compiled and running x64 client using Visual Studio 2008 Team Edition on Windows 7 x64
231 88 Dishwasha
* compiled and running NeL WorldEditor with shard monitor plugin
232 93 BlueSteel
233 93 BlueSteel
h2. BlueSteel
234 93 BlueSteel
235 94 BlueSteel
* Successfully compiled R130 on win7 x86 ultimate using VC++ Express 2008 All compiled with no errors 
236 93 BlueSteel
(using instructions found in forum, including getting VC++ 2008 express to use MFC)
237 95 Fishi
238 95 Fishi
h2. Fishi
239 95 Fishi
240 95 Fishi
* Arch Linux x64
241 95 Fishi
** compiled nel with cmake
242 95 Fishi
** compiled client [lua5.1] with cmake
243 95 Fishi
** successfully connected with client to
244 97 Sywindt
245 97 Sywindt
h2. Sywindt
246 97 Sywindt
247 97 Sywindt
* tools and client compiled on ubuntu 10.4 x86 using make_all
248 97 Sywindt
* server compiled and run on ubuntu 10.4 x86 using make_all
249 97 Sywindt
* client and tools compiled & run on windows 7 x64 (built x86, VS 2008 SP1)
250 97 Sywindt
* server compiled on Win7 x64 (built x86, VS 2008 SP1)
251 97 Sywindt
* successfully connected to server from built client.
252 107 Sywindt
* admin site working (except LAS)
253 99 droidix
254 99 droidix
h2. droidix
255 99 droidix
256 99 droidix
* compiled client (Win32 Debug) with Visual C++ *2010* on Windows 7 x64
257 99 droidix
** created my own build of stlport since the one in externals uses the VC++2008 runtime
258 99 droidix
** had to comment out a line in ctrl_text_button.cpp due to an internal compiler error
259 99 droidix
** 2010 has per project directories so you have to set the include/lib locations on each project (tip: you can select multiple projects at once)
260 99 droidix
* successfully connected to and explored the open shard
261 102 brocifer
262 102 brocifer
h2. brocifer
263 103 brocifer
264 103 brocifer
* Server compiled in CentOS 5.4 x86 working on config