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vikarti, 05/08/2010 06:16 pm


This page list the current state of all members of the community.

Please edit and update this page to add your profile and your current state.


  • server compiled & run on ubuntu_x86 & debian_x86
  • client compiled & run on windows 7 x86
  • tools compiled & run on windows 7 x86


  • server compiled windows 7 x64


  • server compiled and almost running on gentoo x86


  • Client compiled under & run on Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit but running under 32Bit Application.
  • Nel compiled as 32Bit under Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit.
  • Server compiled on Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit.
  • Current Status: Setting up config files for the server.


  • nel with cmake & client with cmake, on x86_64/fedora 12 (patches in tracker, does not run yet)


  • client (32 and 64 bits) and server (32 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
  • client (64 bits) partially compiled on Ubuntun 10.4 64 bits


  • server compiled with 32bit on windows 7 Pro x64
  • client compiled with 32bit on windows 7 Pro x64
  • tools compiled with 32bit on windows 7 Pro x64
  • trying to get things running


  • Client compiled and run (with open shard) on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit(built as 32 bit)
  • Nel & server compiled on Windows 7 Ultimate 7 64(as 32 bits)
  • Apache/php configured
  • http://localhost:40916/login/r2_login.php appears correctly
  • current state:trying to make client to actually connect to localhost,keep getting
    2010/05/08 23:09:35 INF 1554 client_ryzom_r.exe http_client.cpp 170 CHttpClient::receive : Received CLOSE 921 bytes
    2010/05/08 23:09:35 INF 1554 client_ryzom_r.exe login.cpp 2792 checkLogin : Received request login check
    2010/05/08 23:09:35 WRN 1554 client_ryzom_r.exe login.cpp 2810 checkLogin : <?
     * Message tables.
     * Each msg can contain %0..%n arguments (see also errorMsg()).
     * %0 contains the error code passed to errorMsg(), even if the text is factorized in another message linked with 'lnk'.
    $ErrMsgs = array();
    // Gene
    2010/05/08 23:09:35 INF 1554 client_ryzom_r.exe login.cpp 735 initLoginScreen : Using verbose log mode

    on login