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Ryzom Ring API
Added by kaetemi almost 9 years ago
Ryzom Ring API.
- A ring component to make objects or NPCs in ring open webpages, sending basic info such as player name.
- A web api to list running ring sessions.
- A web api to list players in a ring session.
- A ring component whose state can be requested trough the ring web api.
- A ring component that can check an URL for a flag.
- A web api to trigger a ring component.
- Ring session web api security key. The ring scenario is given an URL that is called whenever the scenario is launched in a new session, sending the Ring API Key. This allows only the receiving web server to communicate with the ring scenario. Users should ensure that their webserver allows running multiple sessions of the same scenario. The version of the ring scenario should also be sent with this URL, as the user's web server might no longer support older version of his scenario, in case he shared the scenario with someone else.
- A web api to make a Ring NPC talk. Also for DM talk and SYS announcement talk.
- A web api to change the state of a Ring NPC.
- An ingame ring web api command window to send commands to an interface on the scenario's associated webserver.
- An ingame web app to share and rate scenarios, and list which sessions are running a specific scenario.
- etc.
Replies (4)
RE: Ryzom Ring API
Added by arc almost 9 years ago
This is a nice suggestion, but what we lack to make it shine imho, is the possiblity to have permanent scenarios.
Currently almost nobody is hosting them, yet alot potential scenarios exist.
RE: Ryzom Ring API
Added by kaetemi almost 9 years ago
You don't need permanent scenarios, if they can simply be shared from inside the game. ;)
List the newest and top rated shared ones in some additional tabs at the Ring entrance, and the first one to join basically runs the session.
Only need to make ownership transfer over to the next player in line who joined, if the owner leaves.
Works for Unmastered scenarios only though, but why would you want to run a Mastered scenario as permanent anyways.
RE: Ryzom Ring API
Added by SirCotare over 8 years ago
I think for now:
- A web api to list running ring sessions.
- A web api to list players in a ring session.
would be the most important parts.
We added a new functionality to the Ryzom Armory that allows players to upload and share their scenarios with others. Still, there is no way of listing active scenarios (except that an empty list would be correct most of the time anyways ^^).
Yours Cotare
RE: Ryzom Ring API
Added by Final about 8 years ago
I agree. Just the basic api functions. Its far more convenient to be able to see what scenarios are live and who is playing them from a website than going to a terminal every now and then. It would help casual players make more use of the ring.