bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by Phantase about 9 years ago
If you retrieve the list of all guilds (from Aniro in our example : ) you have the creation_date of each guild.
But this creation_date seems to be totaly wrong...
For example, the creation_date for "Legions Fyros" is 156878000 : Sat, 21 Dec 1974 17:13:20 GMT, and the same creation_date for a lot of other guilds.
Another example, the creation_date for "Bijouterie Arca" is 1341192996 : Mon, 02 Jul 2012 01:36:36 GMT
This is the same issue, with the creation_date, and with the joined_date of each members of the guild.
Replies (10)
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by barbaros about 9 years ago
It is the servertick, not a unix timestamp.
For RP reasons it is very nice, however you cannot convert the ticks into timestamp due to downtimes and such.
You can calculate the difference to the current servertick (Member for xyz days etc.)
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by Phantase about 9 years ago
Ok, that's not a problem for me to have the servertick instead of a UNIX timestamp ;)
So now I have two points to light on :
First point¶
Some guilds (2 for Aniro, 6 for Aristople and 2 for Leanon) have a servertick that make the formula used by the php API returns a strange Ryzom date...
e.g. on guild "La karatempete" on Aniro shard :
<guild> <name>La karatempete</name> <race>Matis</race> <icon>407583187980517579</icon> <creation_date>151536</creation_date> <description/> </guild>
Its creation_date corresponds to "-11h - undefined, undefined -26, 0e CA 2524"
The name of guilds are:for Aniro:
- La karatempete
- Onzieme Division
- Innerflux
- Keepers of the Shrine
- Minious of Ashtaroth
- The Jenai Academy
- Ambactus
- Storage Space
- Freunde von Atys
- SturmReiter
Second point¶
There is a lot of guild with exactly the same servertick (156878000 on Ani, 165000626 for Ari, 170209578 for Lea), my first player guild is one of them (on Aniro), and I remember that it was the battle to have the first guild created on Aniro, and that's very strange to have a lot of guilds created in the same tick... (in 1/10 seconds...) Is it because there is a time before the server writes the guild in its database (the server writes only every xxx ticks/minutes) ?
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by kervala about 9 years ago
Ryzom time API doesn't work with negative server ticks (server tick has been reseted for one patch in 2004).
I added some new tests to fix it.
time.diff - patch
(2 kB)
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by kervala about 9 years ago
I think problem for your second point is this field has been added later :(
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by Phantase about 9 years ago
Thanks for your patch, there is no more apparent bug _ (I have retranscribed it in AS3)
But for the second point, I don't understand...
How can some guilds have an older servertick if the creation_date for guild was created after a d date ? In the same idea, how can some guilds have a "negative server ticks" if the field for the server tick was not created at this date ?
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by kervala about 9 years ago
I'm adding some other functionalities in Ryzom API client scripts, it should be modified soon.
And that's really strange about creation date.
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by nimetu about 9 years ago
Phantase wrote:
How can some guilds have an older servertick if the creation_date for guild was created after a d date ? In the same idea, how can some guilds have a "negative server ticks" if the field for the server tick was not created at this date ?
there is no such thing as negative server tick ;-). there is however negative atys date (-61 ingame days, 3 rl days) because the early start and day '0' (or 1) was launch day.
There also was one or few occasions where server tick was reset back to 0, so guilds created at that time (or players joining to guild) time is fubar.
For Arispotle time log can be seen from
Some data for Leanon/Aniro too, but not much because it required different community account back then.
to get the approximate RL date, just 'stretch' the ingame timeperiod to rl timeperiod. get the biggest downtimes from Arispotle and figure out which tick it might of been for others, wrap it in nice package and submit for contest ;-)
RE: [BUG] bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by vl about 9 years ago
I'll apply the kervala patch in the ryzom API.
The creation_date was added after the release of the game. So for all guild that was created before this field, we don't know the real creation date, so they setuped a default value.
RE: bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by vl about 9 years ago
The kervala patch was applied.
RE: bad timestamp for guilds and guild
Added by Houlecorn about 9 years ago
nimetu wrote:
Some data for Leanon/Aniro too, but not much because it required different community account back then.
I've got some info for Aniro (not much) that I tracked down mainly since I wrote a PHP library for translating ig time to irl time. Information since then is quite accurate. Information before that is picked up (& corrected) from
Exported info I got for Aniro is :
irl timestamp tick 1221828240 1095163200 1219885800 1075723200 1218327540 1060171200 1202692140 1043323200 1193398560 951307200 1191136200 943531200 1188408900 916315200 1187629740 908539200 1174729740 780235200 1158873020 624715200 1157657409 613051200 1155280497 589723200 1151707382 554731200 1150488547 543067200 1146304140 504187200 1143968400 480859200 1139683059 438091200 1133016300 371995200 1095285600 2635200 1239297120 1269535260 1240046400 1277023008