The Great Open Source Noob Trek
Added by LathaSerevi over 8 years ago
I'm new to Ryzom, drawn by the open source announcement. I suspect I'm not the only one. In honor of the new blood, and to provide an opportunity to explore broadly through the beautiful land of Atys, I propose a trek!
This idea came up in conversation with Crailus and Suboxide, earlier today in Fairhaven. From what they tell me, a trek (from one capital to one or all of the others) is a very fun rite of passage for new players. In addition to seeing a great deal, it gives you an opportunity for your character to pick up teleport tickets for the other capital cities. Since master-level escorts will be in company, even complete noobs can join the trek. Each leg takes on the order of two hours.
I'm thinking to spend a week or so getting this together and getting any raw noobs oriented and mustered to Fairhaven, and then having the trek over several sessions, perhaps in the date range of May 19th thru 23rd. If you think you might like to join in, reply here or message me in-world.
Thanks to the old hands for making me feel so welcome!
Lathaa (Fairhaven) (guild: Virtual World Tourist)
Lathai (Silan i.e. noob island)
Latha Serevi (AW Groupies in Second Life, working on virtual world interoperability)
Replies (4)
RE: The Great Open Source Noob Trek
Added by Letto over 8 years ago
Wrong forum, please go here:
This one is for interest/developing the open source engine only.
RE: The Great Open Source Noob Trek
Added by LathaSerevi over 8 years ago
Fair enough, please direct replies to
I look forward to some interesting chats en route. My own interest is in dynamically user-created worlds, and in how we can link diverse open shards into a loosely coupled grid. The kind of issues that come up when the world isn't centrally created and administered.
RE: The Great Open Source Noob Trek
Added by LathaSerevi over 8 years ago
FYI, a trek is on for Sunday May 16, 1200PDT/1900GMT, Fairhaven-Yrkanis-Pyr.
RE: The Great Open Source Noob Trek
Added by Kane over 8 years ago
Letto this is sort of aimed towards us for people who like to learn more about the game and such :P