Asset repository question
Added by browser_ice over 8 years ago
Just curious. Does the asset repository contains everything normally seen on Silan ?
What is not included ?
I assume the terrain 3d model is not included also, right ? How would I be able to access it to use/modify it ?
I have an idea of a project but need to know first.
Replies (7)
RE: Asset repository question
Added by Metal3d over 8 years ago
Well I downloaded the full archive and unpacked it and it has 11.1 GB of data, 26,890 files in 1,132 folders. Im betting it's complete, but you should dl it to see.
RE: Asset repository question
Added by vl over 8 years ago
It contains Silan but also all other continents. The landscape is also in the repository:
RE: Asset repository question
Added by Kane over 8 years ago
So question is we can still build a full world still without needing to Map we just gotta learn how to import them?
RE: Asset repository question
Added by Andrew over 8 years ago
I was unable to find other continent landscape regions in repository.
I analized models available under under link posted by vl 5 dasy ago but I can't find actuall landscape of continents/regions
I was able to find all below:
1. Many textures of tiles of ground, water which are prepared for drawing on ground in different ways
2. Big set of “blocks”, i.e., components of which the landscape is done
3. A set of static objects among which I found small villages along with the part of lanscape under them landscape
4. Plenty of small static objects as well as some big objects and compound parts of landscape. But I did not find whole big levels/regions landscape and information how to create them.
If you could please point me to file in repository where region landscape can be download with example file name.
If regions landscape is not done in max but is some other ryzom only file format please give me name of file in that format.
RE: Asset repository question
Added by vl over 8 years ago
NeL, and so Ryzom, use a tile system.
Each tile is modeled with 3dsmax and are the max file that are named 10_AA.max (it's using a coordinate system like in Excel).
Then the WorldEditor take all these tile and let you "paint" your landscape.
RE: Asset repository question
Added by Andrew over 8 years ago
Can we get coordinate files for World Editor for current Ryzom world regions or this is not part of open source project?
RE: Asset repository question
Added by Kane over 8 years ago
Wait so let me get this right Ace.
Here I thought we had to make new frigan worlds because it would look exact the same accept we be using the same textures... I'm starting to learn here.
This is pretty much a 2d mmorpg game (were pretending here) with the textures aka tiles but really their special 3d tiles put together?
If so here is the bigger question.
Are most the tile sets made to snap together? aka like 2s mmorpg tiles?
Damn this is good news if so I thought we had to make a island then chop it up and import it and figure how to put it back together.
But if we can just import all the old tiles lets call them and just make as small or big worlds we want with tile sets omg....