how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp

Added by yuexiae over 8 years ago

how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp

Replies (10)

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by kervala over 8 years ago

.packed_sheets are (de)serialized classes defined in project client_sheets (using Georges) and .bnp files can be (un)compressed using bnp_make (in /code/nel/tools/misc) :)

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by browser_ice over 8 years ago

If the Open Source is totally independent of the Ryzom Commercial game and not to contain everything there is in the Ryzom commercial game, then isn't there a risk of having independent servers running custom made Ryzom games (or almost full Ryzom versions) using commercial game contents ?

Answering this question opens a door to a lot of possible problems.

We need someone to verify this and confirm here.

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by ShamanRU almost 8 years ago

Why developers don't answering at this question?

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by sfb almost 8 years ago

browser_ice wrote:

If the Open Source is totally independent of the Ryzom Commercial game and not to contain everything there is in the Ryzom commercial game, then isn't there a risk of having independent servers running custom made Ryzom games (or almost full Ryzom versions) using commercial game contents ?

Even if Ryzom wasn't open sourced there is a risk of having independent servers running custom made Ryzom games. They're called emulators. It happens. It is also against the law to do this:

Answering this question opens a door to a lot of possible problems.

I don't think it does - anyone who tries to run a copy of Ryzom is violating copyrights and trademarks and at the very least can be faced with a C&D or the very worse being sued. So here's the short version: just don't do it.



RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by Max_De_Groot almost 6 years ago

So if I get it right : there is a way to unpack packed sheets using Georges.exe?
Or does the sheet_packer have an option to unpack?
Could be a really useful thing.. I had everything running (finally) when the hard-disk of my server crashed...
so now I didn't only loose my server files, but the backups as well.
If I can retrieve my sheets by unpacking the packed sheets, how does it work?

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by kervala almost 6 years ago

Unfortunately, client and servers sheets are different :( So you won't be able to recreate original sheets from only client packed_sheets.

If you want to recreate sheets from packed_sheets take a look at code/ryzom/client/src/client_sheets.

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by Max_De_Groot almost 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately my C++ skills are very poor, haven't used C++ in over 10 years, so it's
less work for me to recreate the files by hand then to figure out the code.
I'll try to have a friend look at it. He might be able to make a tool from the code ;)

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by kervala almost 6 years ago

But like I said, you'll only get client side parts of sheets, so it won't work on your servers again :( All your server-side sheets are lost...

What did you implement on sheets that you want to get back ? New items ? New creatures ?

RE: how can i get file or unpack from the .packed_sheets and .bnp - Added by Max_De_Groot almost 6 years ago

It was mostly items. Spent a few days typing up .sitems and .sbricks
Funny thing, I found an editor with LOTS of options, but I can't find it anymore ...
georges (qt) and object viewer (qt) just show the options for what's in the file, while the editor
I've seen actually showed all the options for all types of items. Made it easy to add features...
Unfortunately I stored everything on that one disk, because I work from different computers,
depending on where I am, so I lost all the tools too...

Found the editor I lost ;), was the default Georges.exe
