Help me on Compile, Please!

Added by patodeborracha over 8 years ago

NEL Compile = OK
TOOLS Compile = OK

Please Help-Me

Attach All Logs Compile!

nel_ok.txt (44.8 kB) Magnifier

server_error.txt (195.5 kB) Magnifier

client_error.txt (66.9 kB) Magnifier

tools_ok.txt (98.6 kB) Magnifier

Replies (6)

RE: Help me on Compile, Please! - Added by patodeborracha over 8 years ago

I'll try right now, thanks!

RE: Help me on Compile, Please! - Added by patodeborracha over 8 years ago

lib64 and bin64 is necessary?

my SO is Win7 32bits

RE: Help me on Compile, Please! - Added by kervala over 8 years ago

patodeborracha wrote:

lib64 and bin64 is necessary?

my SO is Win7 32bits

I created only 1 package with both 32 and 64 bits versions :)

If you only plan to use 32 bits versions, you don't need to add "lib64" and "bin64" folders in VC++ folders :)

RE: Help me on Compile, Please! - Added by patodeborracha over 8 years ago

i fix it... but
another error


RE: Help me on Compile, Please! - Added by patodeborracha over 8 years ago

ty friend,,
all is compiled

nel, server, client, tools.. all OK :)
