Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
Here is a screenshot of something strange with my client. The client runs fine however, just see this image after the initial "Ryzom" logo appears. Next phase is the actual login screen which looks normal.
open_client.png (245.7 kB)
Replies (11)
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
OK. I downloaded the latest revisions and re-compiled. Also tried a fresh copy of the open client from source forge. I'm compiling in "release" mode on Windows Vista with Visual Studio 2008 Pro.
The only changes I'm making to the source is in client_cfg.cpp to stop the client patching.
After compiling I'm dropping my nel_drv_opengl and openal dll into the open_client and also the ryzom client exe.
I still get that screen.
I also added:
TexturesInterface = "texture_interfaces_v3";
TexturesInterfaceDXTC = "texture_interfaces_dxtc";
to my client.cfg.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
Here are the probably relevant spots in my client log regarding textures:
NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (launcher_bg_1.tga) not found (launcher_bg_1.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:35 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe texture_file.cpp 55 NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile : Missing textureFile: launcher_bg_1.tga
2010/10/22 14:58:35 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (remap_files.csv) not found (remap_files.csv)
:initLogin : Textures Login Interface
2010/10/22 14:58:40 DBG fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe interface_manager.cpp 466 CInterfaceManager::initLogin : Textures Login Interface: texture_interfaces_v3_login
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (log_over.tga) not found (log_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (log_over.tga) not found (log_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (log_over.tga) not found (log_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (log_over.tga) not found (log_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (log_over.tga) not found (log_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (log_over.tga) not found (log_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (quit_over.tga) not found (quit_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (quit_over.tga) not found (quit_over.tga)
2010/10/22 14:58:40 WRN fd0 ryzom_client_r.exe path.cpp 516 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (quit_over.tga) not found (quit_over.tga)
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
I think it's probably related to hard coded files in the client. It's looking for *.tga and I believe they are .dds in open client.
For anyone else with this issue, it seems to me related to the hard coded *.tga files in client_cfg.cpp. I looked in the interfaces.bnp file for the open client and I don't really see the *.tga files it's looking for. There are *.dds files in there with slightly different names.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
The code is using file extension remap.
Some source png can appear as tga.
Might be the same for dds.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
Ah yes:
// Remap tga files on dds files.
CPath::remapExtension ("dds", "tga", true);
CPath::remapExtension ("dds", "png", true);
CPath::remapExtension ("png", "tga", true);
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by xyber almost 8 years ago
I also had that grey arrow screne till I copied the "gamedev" folder from \code\ryzom\client\data\ to the data folder of where my client runs from. Now I see pretty new backgrounds and new login interface :D .. Guess I should compile that into gamedev.bnp and replace the old one.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
Thanks, must be some sort of override then. Maybe this should be added to the open client or added to the instructions on the wiki. I need to recompile my client now since I modified some of the entries from client_cfg.cpp :)
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
The official client (live server) and the core client (open server) don't share exactly the same data.
So with the last official patch, the client might effectively use some new data.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
I just wanted to share what the solution was to my problem in case anyone is searching the forums and wants a quick fix for this issue:
From code\ryzom\client\data\gamedev\adds\interfaces I copied and renamed:
new_launcher_bg_0.tga to launcher_bg_0.tga
new_launcher_bg_1.tga to launcher_bg_1.tga
I unpacked interfaces.bnp in the open client using bnp_make and placed these 2 files inside. That solved my grey screen (missing textures) issue.
I'm sure at some point the open client archive will be updated with all these new files and a step like this will not be necessary.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by molator almost 8 years ago
It should work too placing the two files in client/user.
RE: Grey screen issue with client...
Added by sm3 almost 8 years ago
Ah, didn't try that. I will give it a shot, thanks Molator!
That would be easier.