A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by wangxuan2730 about 7 years ago
I don't know how to use it! and the tools in NeL which most of all didn't had the resource aboat the configfile. My English isn't very well.
I know this tool(shapes_exporter) is running on CMD,but I don't have the resource aboat. I'm a newer ,So I really don't know where to find it. Who can help me? Giving me some resource aboat the
engine,eg:BenData and so on!
Who can help me? Gving me some resource and some suggestions aboat NeL. May be you can put it on the website , Or send to me through E-mail:wangxuan2730@163.com .
Replies (6)
RE: A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by kervala about 7 years ago
That's an exporter to generate preview images like on http://media.ryzom.com, it's looking for .shape files and try to generate previews.
RE: A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by wangxuan2730 about 7 years ago
got it ,But which one should I download?
RE: A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by kervala about 7 years ago
That depends what you need. In my case, I used https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/files/ryzom_assets.7z/download and data from official client.
RE: A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by wangxuan2730 about 7 years ago
Yeah! Thank you,I have another question aboat build_ig_boxes of the tools in NeL.
Pathes = { "e:/Ryzom/BenData/gamedata/test/zones/" };
IGs = { "1_AA" };
Output = "e:/Ryzom/BenData/computeddata/test/surfaces/ig_boxes.bbox";
This is the ConfigFile , what is 'BenData/gamedata/test/zones/', I have search it on the google ,But I can't get the resource aboat it ? I think it's a file which contains a lot of resource
like the file Data in Snowballs2.
RE: A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by kervala about 7 years ago
Sorry, I can't help you, I never used the build pipeline.
RE: A question aboat shapes_exporter of the tools in NeL 3D
Added by wangxuan2730 about 7 years ago
Ok,Thank you all the same!