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  • Registered on: 05/31/2011
  • Last connection: 12/30/2011


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11:02 am Ryzom Help: RE: Some problems about the doors in ryzom
Yes, I guess so, thank you , I'm thinking about how to control the animation...


08:51 am Ryzom Help: RE: Some problems about the doors in ryzom
Yes ,maybe I know, another question is that,the door can animate, but how does it animate, there is no animation file.


04:47 am Ryzom Help: RE: Some problems about the doors in ryzom
I have another problem, in the max file, the "Node Properties", what's the difference among "instance sha...
03:26 am Ryzom Help: RE: Some problems about the doors in ryzom
Yes, now I can start,thank you .


09:01 am Ryzom Help: Some problems about the doors in ryzom
I don't know which animation file is the door's animation.
How does the ryzom do the door open? where and wh...


06:53 am Ryzom Help: [Solved]In the game, some shape can obstruct the camera ,some can't, what's the difference?
and how to make a shape which can obstruct the camera.
Because some shape in the village igs which in the ...


09:25 am Ryzom Help: RE: About the sky
In the code, it has fallback and main version sky. what's the difference?
or what's the use of the fallback...


10:02 am Ryzom Help: About the sky
The last problem that I find that in ryzom the house(models,or shapes,or ig)can collide the camera. But in my clien...


08:06 am Ryzom Help: The camera can't go through the landscape but can go through the wall or some models on the...
That's why? or can it be solved?
03:14 am Ryzom Help: RE: About the camera or the event listener
Yes,but in another case, if the character is close to the wall, how to control it? the problem also exist .

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