ryzom core problem! two errors happened , how to solve it?

Added by wangxuan2730 about 7 years ago

Now I have compiled the ryzom core at least 6 times, But it still exist two errors , this time I add the snowballs2 into the project as the internet said do.
the errors are:

The first one
85>------ 已启动生成: 项目: NeL, Tools, 3D: Object Viewer Qt, 配置: Release Win32 ------
85>Generating object_viewer_qt_ru.qm
85>'QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件(Not an internal or external command, operable program or batch file)。
85>Project : error PRJ0019: 某个工具从以下位置返回了错误代码(A tool from the following locations returned an error code): "Generating object_viewer_qt_ru.qm"

The second one

75>c:\ryzom\code\nel\tools\3d\object_viewer_qt\src\plugins\zone_painter\zone_painter_plugin.h(36) : error C2512: “Plugin::CZoneManager”: 没有合适的默认构造函数可用(No appropriate default constructor available)
75>c:\ryzom\code\build\nel\tools\3d\object_viewer_qt\src\plugins\zone_painter\../../../../../../../../nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_plugin.h(36) : error C2512: “Plugin::CZoneManager”: 没有合适的默认构造函数可用(No appropriate default constructor available)
75>NeL, Tools, 3D: Object Viewer Qt Plugin: Zone Painter - 2 个错误,5 个警告