I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
sorry to bother,I got difficulty compiling server.sln,after I compiled ryzomcore.sln and nel.sln successfully,I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere from code.I follow the instructions from http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForWindows。I wanna build a project on windows and execute it .I am stucked here.thanks for any advises.
Replies (9)
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by kervala about 7 years ago
Sorry, you need to use CMake to generate .sln file and you should follow this page : http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForWindowsCmake
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
thank you , kervala .you are a life saver .but I used CMake to generate ryzomcore.sln and nel.sln successfully,and still failed to spot server.sln and client.sln ,so I had doubt wether I did some steps wrong.I read http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForWindowsCmake carefully but still can't find the solution.I double check and find out a symptom as follow(some Warnings) when I configure CMAKE.Does it have some thing deal with the problem?
DEBUG size_t is 4
DEBUG off_t is 4
Found external with STLport: F:/ryzom/external
Found STLport: optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/stlport_statix.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/stlportd_statix.lib
Found CppTest: optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/cpptest.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/cpptestd.lib
Found Squish: optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/squish.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/squishd.lib
Found Luabind: optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/luabind.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/luabind_d.lib
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWFTP_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWGOPHER_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWNEWS_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWTELNET_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWXML_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWZIP_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBXMLPARSE_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBXMLTOK_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBWWWSSL_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBMD5_LIBRARY
Warning: Libwww: Library not found: LIBPICS_LIBRARY
Linking with F:/ryzom/external/lib/wwwcache.lib
Linking with F:/ryzom/external/lib/wwwstream.lib
Linking with F:/ryzom/external/lib/wwwdir.lib
Linking with F:/ryzom/external/lib/wwwinit.lib
Linking with F:/ryzom/external/lib/gnu_regex.lib
Linking with optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/ssleay32.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/ssleay32.lib;optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/libeay32.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/libeay32.lib
Found MySQL: F:/ryzom/external/include, optimized;F:/ryzom/external/lib/mysqlclient.lib;debug;F:/ryzom/external/lib/mysqlclientd.lib
Configuring done
and when I compile nel.sln,I failed to see nel/lib which is needed to build client.sln .
sorry again,I can't find help from other places.
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
I used cmake-gui to generate ,and only got ryzomcore.sln and nel.sln.
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by molator about 7 years ago
There's no client.sln nor server.sln, only appears in the deprecated wiki.
Use RyzomCore.sln as written in the wiki, and build only what you need.
Right click generate the project.
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
I builded it .After that ,I still didn't get nel/lib when compiling nel.sln is done ,what else is missing? It seems to be needed for client.
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
Did I express wrongly,for my english is not native? when I run a client ,it needs some dlls ,which come from nel/lib .I don't get those dlls from compiling nel.sln .Some hints and suggestions are welcome.And please tell me the reason after reject my problem.I have been trapped and it's an important project for me .
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by kervala about 7 years ago
Your bug report has been rejected because we don't use .sln files anymore so that's normal they don't exists :)
Why do you talk about nel.sln ? There is only one .sln generated by CMake and it's RyzomCore.sln
I suppose you didn't follow the tutorial with CMake because all .dll and .exe files are located in "bin" folder.
nel/lib doesn't exist anymore.
I don't really understand why you don't want to listen us :(
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
I see.I did follow the tutorial from http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForWindowsCmake.The problem is not about this part .I wanna build a client to connect to my server.I can run all the services of server now,and I stuffed ryzom_client_r.exe in folder "F:\ryzom\code\ryzom\client",after that I run ryzom_client_r.exe and got a message "nel_drv_direct3d_win not found ".
Then I copy some dlls from other people 's client,and got message "nel_drv_direct3d_win is a too old version .Ask for more recent file?".The same problem is discussed from http://dev.ryzom.com/boards/17/topics/3546?r=3554#message-3554 .So I assume that I need
from \nel\lib\ ,which I can't find anywhere,although I compiled nel.sln
plus:all I builded were in "f:/ryzom/code/build" folder.
RE: I can't find server.sln and client.sln anywhere, .
Added by dante about 7 years ago
bug is translated into "问题" in chinese,which means question .And I got it wrong.