Feature #1302
New World Editor
Status: | Assigned | Start date: | 05/25/2011 | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | |||
Assignee: | % Done: | 70% |
Category: | Tools: General | ||||
Target version: | Version 0.9.0 | Estimated time: | 240.00 hours |
The tool for creating and editing of a game logic as an OVQT plugin (World editor):
- Creation of primitives and editing of their properties in accordance with world_editor_classes.xml and as a part of these primitives has a visual representation,it is possible to placement them on the landscape in a 2D mode.
- Generator primitives for flora.
Detailed Description
- The database of primitives: Is a structure that contains all the information about the tree of primitives and their properties, as well as information for visual view. Respectively, elements of this structure must be visually displayed. Qt4 provides tools for viewing and editing of these data structures using a model/view pattern.
- Primitive properties editor: Each primitive has a set of properties that can be specified in the file world_editor_classes.xml. Respectively, a dialog that allows edit these properties without a hardcode.
- 2D render: Some primitives have a visual representation.Respectively will be used 2D render from Landscape editor plugin to add displaying these primitives (Point, Path, Bitmap, Zone).
- Generator of primitives: Game elements such as flora have a large number of objects and it will be quite weary to place them on the landscape manually. Therefore, the generator of the primitives, automatically place the primitives in a certain area by a certain pattern.
Updated by dnk-88 almost 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 60
Updated by dnk-88 almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 60 to 100
Applied in changeset commit:4c22589248ee.
Updated by dnk-88 almost 7 years ago
Applied in changeset commit:a77503b68b0b.
Updated by dnk-88 almost 7 years ago
Applied in changeset commit:e75bcbcdbfef.
Updated by dnk-88 almost 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 100 to 70
Updated by dnk-88 almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Assigned