Feature #1336

Scalable Ryzom Launcher

Added by molator about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Status:New Start date:07/25/2011
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Client: General
Target version:-


I talked with a player who was trying to run the official linux client on a netbook.
He was able to run the launcher, but because of his small resolution (1024x600), couldn't create a character nor enter the game.
The launcher can't be scaled so with a small resolution (and no virtual screen) some buttons are outside of the display.
A scalable launcher would allow ryzom on more unexpected platforms.


#1 Updated by sfb about 7 years ago

The code for this is located in init.cpp at like 864:

1                // For login phase, MUST be in windowed
2                UDriver::CMode mode;
3                mode.Width    = 1024;
4                mode.Height   = 768;
5                mode.Windowed = true;
6[snip... to line 886]
7                // Set the mode of the window.
8                if (!Driver->setDisplay (mode, false))

This could probably be easily fixed by adding some code to the client config.


1        /// Texture file name for the launch Background.
2        string                  Launch_BG;
3        /// NEW: Set the launch Width
4        sint32                  Launch_Width;
5        /// NEW: Set the launch Height
6        sint32                  Launch_Height;

client_cfg.cpp, line 485

1        Launch_Width            = 1024;
2        Launch_Height           = 768;

client_cfg.cpp, line 1245

1        // Launch width
2        READ_INT_FV(Launch_Width)
3        // Launch height
4        READ_INT_FV(Launch_Height)

#2 Updated by kervala about 7 years ago

Sorry, but we tried it and it didn't work :)

Character selection screen is using pixel-based positions and sizes, layout currently has a fixed size of 1024x768 so we need to edit all ui xml files related to this screen.

I was successfully running Ryzom at 1024x600 on my EEE PC using compiz to move the screen out of real size limit (alt+mouse click). Btw you can too tweak the Gnome/KDE status bars size (I personally removed the bottom one under Gnome and it was enough to see the "Play" button).

Edit: The "Play" button is at the right bottom corner so perhaps could we move it to right top one or simply add a keyboard shortcut.

#3 Updated by arc about 7 years ago

I'm using this one my netbook, works like a charm.

xrandr --fb 1024x768 --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --panning 1024x768

To change back to default res use this

xrandr --fb 1024x600 --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600

#4 Updated by kervala about 7 years ago

arc wrote:

I'm using this one my netbook, works like a charm.

xrandr --fb 1024x768 --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --panning 1024x768

To change back to default res use this

xrandr --fb 1024x600 --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600

Thanks for the tip :)

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