
This Ryzom API converts a character title identifier to a translated string.

Base URL

URL Parameters


The title identifier that is available in the Character. For example, title00010 is a valid titleid (example).


Default is en.
The language you want to display the title. Must be en, fr or de (example).


Default is m.
The gender you want to use to display the title. Must be m (male) or f (female) (example).


Default is txt.

  • txt: Returns a string with the title (example).
  • xml: Returns an xml file that contains the title information (example).

PHP Interface

ryzom_title_txt($titleid, $langid, $gender)

Returns a string with the title depending of the parameter.

ryzom_title_simplexml($titleid, $langid)

Returns a simplexml object that contains the title information.

Real Examples

If you have a website that use this Ryzom API, tell it in the forum and we'll add it.