About the sky
Added by wangxuan2730 almost 7 years ago
The last problem that I find that in ryzom the house(models,or shapes,or ig)can collide the camera. But in my client it can't, the problem may be my house(model).
How does these models make from 3ds max?
The sky problem is : From the code, it seems that the sky is make of the main instance and the fallback instance. I want to know what structure the sky is...
and the shape of the sky have different textures in season, How does it changes?
Replies (1)
RE: About the sky
Added by wangxuan2730 over 6 years ago
In the code, it has fallback and main version sky. what's the difference?
or what's the use of the fallback instance? what's the use of the main instance