Did I register? |
No. You were automatically registered when you setup your account for the Saga of Ryzom. |
Does this site use cookies? |
The use of cookies on this forum is optional, but may enhance your experience of the site. Cookies are used to enable functions such as showing whether or not a thread or forum you are viewing has new posts since your last visit, or to automatically log you back in when you return to the site after being away for a while. This forum also gives you the option to use a cookie to track your current session, ensuring that you remain logged-on while browsing the site. If you choose not to store this information in a cookie, the session data will be sent through each link you click. Choosing not to use a cookie may cause problems if your computer's connection to the Internet uses a proxy-server and you share links with other users behind the same proxy. If in doubt, we recommend that you select 'yes' to enable the cookie. |
How do I clear my cookies? |
You may clear all your cookies by clicking here. If you return to the main index page via the link provided and you are still logged in, you may have to remove your cookies manually. Here are the instructions for Internet Explorer 5 on Windows:
How can I change the information in my profile? |
It is your responsibility to keep the information in your profile up-to-date. You should especially ensure that your email address is kept current. You can alter any of the fields in your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes yours for life. Edit your profile here. |
What is the signature for? |
This is a piece of text that you would like to be inserted at the end of all your posts, a little like having headed note paper. You will have the option to include your signature on any posts you make. If you have specified a signature, then the forum will automatically append your signature to any messages you post. You can disable signatures on a per-post basis by un-ticking the 'Show Signature' checkbox when you compose your message. You may turn the signature on and off on posts you have already made by editing the post and altering the state of the 'Show Signature' option. You can set your signature by editing your profile. |
I lost my password, what can I do? |
If you forget your password, you can click on the 'Forgotten Your Password' link on any page that requires you to fill in your password. This will bring up a page where you should enter your registered email address, and an email will be sent to that address instantly, with instructions for resetting your password. |
How do I get a picture under my username? |
These small images are called Avatars. They are displayed below your username on all posts that you make. They are provided by the forum (which we will be adding soon) We will also allow some custom avatars, which allows you to upload an avatar image from your computer. For more information about avatars, click here. |
What are the buddy and ignore lists? |
The buddy list is used to keep track of the friends you have made on this forum. Adding people to your buddy list also allow you to send private messages to multiple forum members at the same time. You may add any member of the forums to your buddy list by clicking this button in a member's posts. Ignore lists are used for those people who's messages you wish not to read. By adding someone to your ignore list, those messages posted by these individuals will be hidden when you read a thread. |
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