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Old February 12th, 2006, 02:31 PM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 104
Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

First of all, I absolutely love this game just as it is, but feel it would be even better with the following modifications:

1. The ability to filter out Teleportation Pacts (tickets) in your inventory. There are times that I just don't need to "see" all 30 or so of my "tickets" in my inventory.

2. Being able to put spaces in map flags. So, instead of "KoDKaraTP" the flag could be "KoD Kara TP".

3. The Contact List should *stay* alphabetically sorted if you select to display it that way.

4. It would be very nice to have a message in System Info whenever a player on your Contact List logs in or out of the game (and a toggle to turn this feature off/on). Example: Spriteh has logged on.

5. A /hug emote.

6. Allow players to "log out to the character selection screen". This is probably not a "small" issue, but it sure would be nice not to have to completely exit the game, just to switch characters.

7. Fix the improper use of pronouns. For example, when a female character offers to trade with me, the message is something like: "MissElizabeth wants you to trade with HIM"....when it should be "...with HER".

8. When you learn a new skill, it would be nice if the skill would appear on the currently selected handbar. For instance: I have my magic spells on Handbar #3. If I had that Handbar showing when I buy a new magic spell, then that spell would go to the 3rd Handbar (if there were any empty slots).

9. Allow players to make a list of other players that can be allowed to enter their apartment. (Probably not a "small" issue either, but thought I would mention it, lol)

10. It would be nice to be able to bring up the loot (quartering) box with a hotkey (user-defined), rather than having to click on the creature to quarter it.

I did not read this entire thread, so please forgive me if these suggestions have already been made. Thank you for this opportunity to give my suggestions.

Last edited by lexi44 : February 12th, 2006 at 02:52 PM.
lexi44 is offline  

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