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Old October 19th, 2006, 09:36 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2006
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A Noobs First Two Weeks

I saw an ad for Ryzom on VGCats, and decided to check it out about two weeks ago. I'd like to put up a little journal of my experiences so far, which have been mixed. I started out on Cho, because it's a new server and I'm a new player. I'm a big fan of being able to make a difference in every game I play, and I find that in typical MMOs people have a hard time letting new players into the fun. More on that later.

I read the forums for guides on how to build players, how to actually *play* the game before ever actually making my character. This is when I decided I wanted to be Matis, join the Karavan, and be a ranger. So I hop into the game, and right away I'm blown away by the skill system. It seemed so complex reading about it, but after experiencing it, it's intuitive and simple. The next thing I usually notice about MMOs are the animations, graphics, etc. But I actually noticed the player community next. It was astonishing. I've yet to come across someone that can't be helpful or nice. Almost every single person has been a pillar of the community, and a shining example of the Ryzom lifestyle. With the exception of one player on the island, but he's a self-proclaimed froob that has no intention of ever contributing money or a positive effect to the game (his words, not mine).

So I decided to try and become a member of this community that I was quickly growing to love. I joined a guild with a friend I'd met in my first day online, paid for the game, and went to the mainland. Even better! Everything I liked about the island was there, but there was more of it. I got to try out guns, which are a pain to begin with, but they're getting easier. I joined the forums, and decided to check out some of the non-gameplay related posts, to see what the community was talking about.

I came across a lot of threads regarding former SWG players, a club to which I belong. I began to feel even more at home than before. But then, I started to notice a sneaking little feeling that I might not be as welcome as I thought. As it turns out, there are more than a few posts that welcome new players into the game, but there are also an equal, if not greater, number of posts that seek to limit the number of new players that join the game.

Why does the established player base of Ryzom welcome people in many different threads, but then trash them in other threads? This is a question which perplexes me to this minute, and casts a dark shadow over all the other great elements of the Ryzom community. This is not a thread designed to start fights. I just want to know if the Ryzom community at large really thinks that noobs shouldn't truly be welcomed with open arms.
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Old October 19th, 2006, 09:45 AM   #2
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

Originally Posted by d1sco123
I came across a lot of threads regarding former SWG players, a club to which I belong. I began to feel even more at home than before. But then, I started to notice a sneaking little feeling that I might not be as welcome as I thought. As it turns out, there are more than a few posts that welcome new players into the game, but there are also an equal, if not greater, number of posts that seek to limit the number of new players that join the game.

Why does the established player base of Ryzom welcome people in many different threads, but then trash them in other threads? This is a question which perplexes me to this minute, and casts a dark shadow over all the other great elements of the Ryzom community. This is not a thread designed to start fights. I just want to know if the Ryzom community at large really thinks that noobs shouldn't truly be welcomed with open arms.
You'll find many people that are unwilling to let go of what the game once was (There was a time of no pvp, no factions except for what you wanted to RP, etc.) Many of these people still cling to that memory and are fighting a hopeless battle. There are also those who don't wish to see the game become WoW and demand it be a niche game (in others words, do nothing like any other MMO out there). As a result, some players tend to be a bit xenophobic in their views because the next new player might be a 'leet kid'...
Personally, I think they're both misguided in their views. This game needs a ton of new players to make up for the ones its lost and to fill in new spots that would make OPs and spires actually fun. Any type of new idea tends to get shot down pretty quick. its a shame, but they'll come around sooner or later. Ryzom is changing, for the better IMO, so stick with it. There are great things coming. Kitin lair, possibly Spires, etc. Anyone new is always welcome, in my view. We need more players to make this game better.

EDIT: it should also be pointed out that only a minority of the players of Ryzom actually post on the forums, so the reaction here is not what should be expected in game. If you think that you have a suggestion that could improve the game, just send it in as a suggestion ticket to the CSRs. Its much easier, actually gets your suggestions to the right people and doesn't involve your idea being flamed by people who are mentally playing a different game than they are physically.
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Old October 19th, 2006, 10:15 AM   #3
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

Why does the established player base of Ryzom welcome people in many different threads, but then trash them in other threads? This is a question which perplexes me to this minute, and casts a dark shadow over all the other great elements of the Ryzom community. This is not a thread designed to start fights. I just want to know if the Ryzom community at large really thinks that noobs shouldn't truly be welcomed with open arms.

As I think I explained in the other thread it isn't 'noobs' that are necessarily the worry per se, its the worry about the community growing too fast and no longer really being a community. I won't re-cover that ground here again.

The other element of fear is one you should sympathise with coming from SWG, the fear of the game being dumbed down and turned into an identikit MMORPG in the pursuit of the WoW dollar - a hopeless idea since Nevrax doesn't have the resources to do the same thing, well.

A great many of the demands we see from, often fleeting, new players are for such identikit features. Some make sense - better housing etc, others definately don't fit with the gameworld as presented. Niche can be perfectly fine, profitable and critically acclaimed, not everything has to be a billion-selling blockbuster. Ryzom, as mooted, was a much more innovative game and moves like Episode 2 appear to be pandering, at the cost of the existing community trying to appeal to a 'broader' community that never materialised.

There's some hope that this trend is reversing with the release of R2 and the delay of spires, Kitin nests... we'll have to reserve judgement on until we see them. I'm not over the moon about the bosses returning in the form of WoW style repeat-raid content either, but it will help reduce the impact of Bandit Armour.

You will also find flamers who are determined to 'follow the rails' and turn the game into something much 'tighter' with much more restricted options and yet another uninteresting binary PvPfest, unwilling to even formulate the thought that other styles of play can live alongside them. Best to just ignore them while you can, if you can, probably, they become depressing after a while.
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Old October 19th, 2006, 11:16 AM   #4
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

Firstly welcome to Atys and good luck in your choice of profession from a Fellow Ranger.

I came to Atys from Horizons over 2 years ago now and although really taken by Ryzom there were also things I missed from Istaria.

Some people coming in from other games are obviuosly feeling similar to how I did but maybe have a tendencency to cry very loud about what is missing (ie a feature from another game) before fully appreciating what we have.

This being said some vets also have a tendancy for a violent knee jerk reactions to these protestations, also in an over zealous and somtimes unkind fashion.

I think everyone realises more new players can in general only be good for the game and fresh perspectives and ideas are also a good thing. Also new feedback on existing game systems must be good to keep the Devs on their toes aswell.

We do have a good community, for sure we have our moments, and no-one wishes this to be spoiled, but I think in general terms everyone remains pretty freindly an open-minded and as our community grows should be able to weather the odd storm or bad apple.
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Old October 19th, 2006, 11:18 AM   #5
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

Newbs are great. Noobs are the type I'd rather not see joining the game. There's an important semantic difference between them.

A "newb" is a player who is simply new to the game. They are generally friendly, mature, and open to learning. They probably understand that the game is different than most MMOs, and accept - even embrace - that fact. They are courteous and social, and often try to pass on the helpful spirit they receive. Newbs tend to be open to more abstract and immersive/imaginative activities, such as exploration and roleplaying.

A "noob" is a player who barges in and while they may learn the mechanics and even reach high levels if they stay, they are usually incapable of learning to appreciate the game. They expect, even demand that it resemble previous games they have played (probably including World of Warcraft) and expect it to cater to them with ease and simplicity. Generally, they use prolific "leetspeak" or "chatspeak." Either they'll stay on Silan for a month or longer, completing all the missions then resorting to simple levelgrinding or getting their jollies by griefing other players in any way they can find; or they'll go to the mainland and grind there until they drive themselves into boredom and leave, possibly with a whiney forum post in their wake. The worst possibility, however, is that they stay and pollute the game and forums with their demanding, childish natures and monkey-at-a-keyboard writing. And if there are ever enough of them, godlings forbid, the community could be lobotomized, with the game itself following shortly after.

I have an unrestrained objection to any increase in the noob population.

By the way, you are not a noob (from what I can tell by your post).
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Old October 19th, 2006, 11:27 AM   #6
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

A111 pohst FTW K@T!!!!!!
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Old October 19th, 2006, 11:31 AM   #7
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

The community is very helpful but can be very rude with newbies talking leet speech.

If you come on the mainland and start with "lfg plz, lol", you will certainly be in big troubles with the community. The community is mature but also protect its playing style.
On Wow, nothing more normal but on Ryzom, the community will ignore completly such players. They will have big difficulties to group and find a guild if continuing with leet speak.
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Old October 19th, 2006, 11:32 AM   #8
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

Originally Posted by norvic
A111 pohst FTW K@T!!!!!!

No giant magical golden hat for you! Bad Crythos! Bad!
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Old October 19th, 2006, 01:33 PM   #9
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

As fairly new player myself I have been enjoying myself in Atys, The community is welcoming and helpful..and I see you and I both grapple with the range skill , (hope you did not make the same mistake as me trying to buy the ammo ).
The forum is only a shadow of the community itself, you will find many of the vocal players in here are quite new (yes, that includes me). So I would let your ingame contact with the community be the real guide in your interpretation of whether you feel welcome or not...and do not let the forum posts influence your decisions too much .
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Old October 19th, 2006, 04:05 PM   #10
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Re: A Noobs First Two Weeks

I have started recently, last Saturday as a matter of fact. I must say I am having a blast learning the game. When ever I have asked a question in "Region" I am often given an answer or explination fairly quickly and with out the STFU NOOB I have heard in other mmorpg's. I originally started out in EQ1. I stayed there for 5 years because of the community, I had many friends and was in a great guild. Of course time took its toll and folks left, the guild dwindled to a mere handful of folks so I started looking for a game with the same homey feeling. I have played quite a few mmorpg's since and none have had that feeling.

Since I have been here on Atys, I have started getting that old, this could be home feeling again. I love the game system, the way the critters react to each other and me. But the community is, to quote Bill & Ted, most excellent.
Everyone seems willing to help, I have been rezzed without asking, have recieved run by healing when I was about to go comatose. As I gain levels in my different skill sets I wonder to myself what will be needed by the community, not how can I make money from everyone. I plan on staying on Newb Isle for a while longer (Until my skills are at least 30 or more across the board) then I will gladly pay for a sub and jump to the mainland.

I guess what I am mainly trying to say is, I love this game and plan on making my virtuial home here for a long time to come. Thanks for being such a great bunch of folks.
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